Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Health Risks And Health Risk Factors - 1008 Words
Health has many factors. There are good factors such as eating right, exercising, and others. Health risk factors are tobacco use, physical inactivity, poor diet, high blood pressure, and high stress level. These are very serious and not being treated could lead to a more serious problem. There are two terms that tie into health risk factors. Wellness which is the quality is being healthy in the mind and body. Another term is physical fitness which means; the general state of health and well -being. It also can be described as; physical fitness is generally achieved through direct nutrition, exercise, hygiene, and rest. These risk factors are some of the most important to know about. That is why I will talk about them. Tobacco use is abused in today’s world. Each day there are more than 32,000 people under the age 18 will smoke their first cigarette. Appoximatley 2,100 youth and young adults will become every day smokers. There is an estimate of 42.1 million smokers is the uni ted States. Smoking is a very dangerous habit. It is in the top ten causes of death in America. More than 16 million Americans already have a disease from smoking. More than 20 million Americans have died from smoking related deaths since 1964. 8.6 million people are living with a serious disease caused by smoking. On average smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than non smokers. These are some very simple facts about the general health of smoking. Respiatory disese is bound toShow MoreRelatedHealth Symptoms And Risk Factors1747 Words  | 7 Pagesstill dispute the safety of HFCS to health. Some studies point out that HFCS has equivalent effects as sucrose and does not account for risk factors for health at normal consumption levels. However, several studies conducted by Standhop, Akar, Hoebel, and Collison have shown that HFCS shows greatly problems in health. 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