Thursday, December 26, 2019
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Health Risks And Health Risk Factors - 1008 Words
Health has many factors. There are good factors such as eating right, exercising, and others. Health risk factors are tobacco use, physical inactivity, poor diet, high blood pressure, and high stress level. These are very serious and not being treated could lead to a more serious problem. There are two terms that tie into health risk factors. Wellness which is the quality is being healthy in the mind and body. Another term is physical fitness which means; the general state of health and well -being. It also can be described as; physical fitness is generally achieved through direct nutrition, exercise, hygiene, and rest. These risk factors are some of the most important to know about. That is why I will talk about them. Tobacco use is abused in today’s world. Each day there are more than 32,000 people under the age 18 will smoke their first cigarette. Appoximatley 2,100 youth and young adults will become every day smokers. There is an estimate of 42.1 million smokers is the uni ted States. Smoking is a very dangerous habit. It is in the top ten causes of death in America. More than 16 million Americans already have a disease from smoking. More than 20 million Americans have died from smoking related deaths since 1964. 8.6 million people are living with a serious disease caused by smoking. On average smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than non smokers. These are some very simple facts about the general health of smoking. Respiatory disese is bound toShow MoreRelatedHealth Symptoms And Risk Factors1747 Words  | 7 Pagesstill dispute the safety of HFCS to health. Some studies point out that HFCS has equivalent effects as sucrose and does not account for risk factors for health at normal consumption levels. However, several studies conducted by Standhop, Akar, Hoebel, and Collison have shown that HFCS shows greatly problems in health. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Personal Business Planning and Developing †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About the Personal Business Planning and Developing? Answer: Introduction The following assignment deals with personal business planning report. Students who are involved with entrepreneurship studies have to do their future planning, to do the future planning, the set up their career in the field of entrepreneurship. Setting up the goals of their life they have to vividly choose their career options in educational pursuits while keeping in mind the ultimate goal. This report will consist of the vision and opportunities that a student will pursue after he completes his educational qualification in the university. His purpose and goals are determined. Personal business planning refers to the developing the personal career by applying the same corporate principles as we see in developing a business enterprise. Failure acts as the pillar of success. Unless a human being commits a mistake and learns something from that, it is much difficult for him to accomplish his targets and goal of the life. There was a situation in my past that I had failed in my semesters and I have to suffer a huge loss. So I was quite younger then I am now, I was taken by shock with the incident and had to regret on my performance. However, that was not the only thing I could have done, and therefore I started planning up to prepare myself better for the next semester. I had to suffer the loss due to some health issues that I was facing that time. But for me, I don't regard them to be any excuse because the career is my priority. The shock was for a temporary period, and then I planned of preparing myself well and started to make a pact schedule where I could only think of studies and nothing else. I didn't lose hope in myself and tried my level best to develop my performance graph[1]. With a lot of perseverance and patience, I have been able to become successful in fetching good score in the next semester. Therefore it is my belief that if in future I have to face any difficulty I will be able to cope up with the situation and try my level best to overcome it with best of my efforts. Thus, this report is going to depict my future business planning set up and ideologies. Vision and opportunity Each and every entrepreneur of a company has a vision regarding the business what he or she will do. In that case, I am a student pursuing my studies, and I have a plan regarding business because I want to have my own business in my future. After completing my studies, I will start a food chain business UAE because in UAE there are a lot of people who are coming from the different country and alongside with that the people of UAE love to have a different kind of foods and they are very much passionate about food. It is known to all that food is primary need of each and every human being in this world and also of the basic need, it becomes a luxury also.[2] My goals will be regarding the food business is to provide good quality of food with great quantity to the customer by which people will come to the restaurant or the outlet for the food. On the other side, I would love to extend my business by launching many of the outlets in the country. My wish is that each and every bit of my c ountry should have at least one outlet of my food shop. In my food shop, each and every type of food and recipes will be available. I will prioritize the local foods which are very much popular in the country. Along with the local food, I will keep another type of foods those are Chinese, Indians and continental dishes which are very much popular in all type of people. By keeping variety food automatically, customers will be attracted, and this will be my first and easy business strategy to attract people. On the other hand, I have to bring my business online by which more people will come to know about the business that I am running. The opportunities that the market will provide me today are concerned with the demand of the customers. My current career pursuit will facilitate me to cooperate with the great marketing features and job opportunities. Though I am going to start up my own business, the current academics will be helping me manage my company efficiently and deal with all the risks.[3] Marketing and implementation strategy For creating a position in the market, it is essential to building up the good set of qualities that will promote the image of my company. Making it attractive to the customers, brand imaging is an essential factor that will help to increase the Goodwill of the company. As I will be dealing with the food chain system in the market, I have to add up some innovative ideas and attractive approaches that will see as much as customers and food lovers. Apart from general marketing, digital marketing and marketing will be much beneficial for the situation. It can be assumed that shortly I can come up with some new food items. If the food item gains popularity, my nearest competitors must look for some other procedures to complete me in that particular label with some similar product. It is the responsibility of being a part of my entrepreneurial activities that I have to offer good and quality products and services to my consumers. I am concerned with the brand imaging of my company and to give a tough competition to my competitors; I have to think innovatively. In compared to the other UAE students, I think I have some different plans that will fetch me good opportunity to be a successful entrepreneur. Food chain system and supply is something that is quite a risky process and the ones who cannot take the risk of providing healthy product to the customers it is not easy for them to take up this business. Anything related to food and recipes is an art, an art that fulfils the desire of artists. Food-loving people can be considered as artists because they hold the quality testing different range of essence flavours of food. Risk and mitigation In every business, risk plays a vital role during the time of the decision making of the business because whenever new ideas are created that time risk automatically comes. In food chain business the primary risks are providing quality food. If I fail to serve quality food to the customer, then none of the customers will visit my food shop. On the other hand when the customer will order the food online that time limit will be given to the customer that during this time the food will be delivered but if I fell to meet the deadline of the food delivery, then the customer might cancel the order. This will hurt the good will of the business and will bring the economic condition of the business[4]. Reference Bessant, J. and Tidd, J., 2007.Innovation and entrepreneurship. John Wiley Sons. Crumpton, M.A., 2012. Innovation and entrepreneurship.The Bottom Line,25(3), pp.98-101. Drucker, P., 2014.Innovation and entrepreneurship. Routledge. Rae, D., 2003. Opportunity centred learning: an innovation in enterprise education?.Education+ Training,45(8/9), pp.542-549. [1] Bessant, J. and Tidd, J., 2007.Innovation and entrepreneurship. John Wiley Sons. [2] Rae, D., 2003. Opportunity centred learning: an innovation in enterprise education?.Education+ Training,45(8/9), pp.542-549. [3] Drucker, P., 2014.Innovation and entrepreneurship. Routledge. [4] Crumpton, M.A., 2012. Innovation and entrepreneurship.The Bottom Line,25(3), pp.98-101.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Market research and a feasibility study report
Introduction The Eden Land Company has developed a new business idea. It plans to combine water with slices of fruits and serve them to customers. The water will be packed in uniquely designed and eco-friendly bottles. This paper provides a market research and feasibility study report for the Healthy Drink.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Market research and a feasibility study report specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More â€Å"SMART†objectives Eden Land has set objectives and their feasibility tests. For instance, one of its objectives is to satisfy the needs of customers within the first week after the product is introduced into the market by meeting their needs. The Customers tastes differ in many ways, and the company understands that creativity is one of the ways it can use to influence the purchase of its products (Burns 111). The company has noted that many young people suffer from blood pressu re and water retention problems. It has developed a remedy to this problem by offering the Healthy Drink product. This objective will be measured by the outcomes, testimonies, and reactions of customers to the product (Burns 221). Healthy Drink (Product) TheEden Land Company will offer the Healthy Drink product to its customers. The Healthy Drink is a type of water with minimum quantities of sodium and is ideal for people suffering from high blood pressure. It is also ideal for people suffering from water retention. The Healthy Drink product is packed in unique bottles different from those of their competitors in order for customers to easily recognize them in the market. The company will also ensure that the Healthy Drink stands out consistently by ensuring that it is treated in accordance with the required specifications. It will provide customers with a high quality Healthy Drink to influence post-purchase of the product, and hence maximize on sales, profits, and revenues. Market Research The market for the Healthy Drink product is readily available. Market research plays a significant role in successful business development (Carson 52). The product is targeted at the youths (generation Y) with water retention problems and high blood pressure. To avoid these problems, they should take the Healthy Drink product, which is a type of water with minimum sodium quantities. The company will add slices of fruits to this water to make it appealing to the target audience. The demand for pure healthy water is on the increase. This is an added advantage for the Eden Land Company because it meets the customers’ specifications.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Pricing and Promotion The Eden Land Company will set affordable prices for its Healthy Drink mineral water immediately after launching the product. There is stiff competition from other produ cts such as Masafi, Panna, Aquafina and Pellegrik among others. The company will ensure that it employs the price leadership strategy to gain competitive advantage over its competitors (Marn, Eric Craig 79). The company also intends to integrate the most efficient promotional campaigns for its product before and after the launch of the new product. Considering that the target audience are echo boomers who spend most of their time in the browsing the internet, the company will employ social media marketing strategies (Strydom 140). Operations Plan /Organization Chart Eden Land will develop departments, which include research and development, marketing, customer service, sales and human resource department. Each of these departments will have 20 employees and will be headed by a manager. The manager will be responsible in staffing, planning and controlling operations in their respective departments. The company will use raw materials such as disinfectants (chlorine and chloramine), o rganic polymers, acidity neutralizers (lime or caustic soda), and coagulants (sodium). The company will design a supply chain network to facilitate efficient supply of Healthy Drink mineral water to the target audience in Abu Dhiabi. It will open stores near the customers’ reach and use mobile vehicles to supply the product. The company will need refrigerators in the stores and vehicles to store the product. The company also intends to employ the NICHE strategy of marketing since it is targeting the echo boomers who are active on social media. The company expects to break into the Middle East market within two years after launching the Healthy Drink product. Eden Land Company Organization chart Financial Projections/Income Statement The company will pursue a loan of 500,000 Dirhams from a local lender. It will present a cash flow forecast, an opening Balance sheet for the first month, and, a closing Balance Sheet ending for first year to the bank. Eden Land will also present its income statement forecasting for the first year and owner equity, to the lender. This will help the bank to see how the company has planned its future cash requirements in avoiding the liquidity crisis.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Market research and a feasibility study report specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Justification The company chose this product because it is more profitable than the other products. Moreover, the demand for the Healthy Drink mineral water is high considering that the target audience wants healthy lives. The product will do well in the market place because it meets the needs of consumers. The water business is profitable compared to other products in the market place (Drelich Hwang 211). For instance, the costs incurred in the whole process before the product reaches the consumers are low. In addition, water is abundant and it costs less money to treat, and make it cond ucive for drinking. Works Cited Burns, Paul. Entrepreneurship and Small Business: Start-up, Growth and Maturity. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. Print. Carson, David. Qualitative Marketing Research. London [u.a.: SAGE, 2001. Print. Drelich, J, Jiann-Yang Hwang. Water in Mineral Processing. Englewood, Colo: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, 2012. Print. Marn, Michael V, Eric V. Roegner, Craig C. Zawada. The Price Advantage. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2004. Print. Strydom, Johan. Introduction to Marketing. Cape Town, South Africa: Juta, 2004. Print.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This research paper on Market research and a feasibility study report was written and submitted by user Sandra L. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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