Thursday, December 26, 2019
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Health Risks And Health Risk Factors - 1008 Words
Health has many factors. There are good factors such as eating right, exercising, and others. Health risk factors are tobacco use, physical inactivity, poor diet, high blood pressure, and high stress level. These are very serious and not being treated could lead to a more serious problem. There are two terms that tie into health risk factors. Wellness which is the quality is being healthy in the mind and body. Another term is physical fitness which means; the general state of health and well -being. It also can be described as; physical fitness is generally achieved through direct nutrition, exercise, hygiene, and rest. These risk factors are some of the most important to know about. That is why I will talk about them. Tobacco use is abused in today’s world. Each day there are more than 32,000 people under the age 18 will smoke their first cigarette. Appoximatley 2,100 youth and young adults will become every day smokers. There is an estimate of 42.1 million smokers is the uni ted States. Smoking is a very dangerous habit. It is in the top ten causes of death in America. More than 16 million Americans already have a disease from smoking. More than 20 million Americans have died from smoking related deaths since 1964. 8.6 million people are living with a serious disease caused by smoking. On average smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than non smokers. These are some very simple facts about the general health of smoking. Respiatory disese is bound toShow MoreRelatedHealth Symptoms And Risk Factors1747 Words  | 7 Pagesstill dispute the safety of HFCS to health. Some studies point out that HFCS has equivalent effects as sucrose and does not account for risk factors for health at normal consumption levels. However, several studies conducted by Standhop, Akar, Hoebel, and Collison have shown that HFCS shows greatly problems in health. Therefore, people should be aware of sugar consumption from HFCS because HFCS introduces health symptoms as cardiovascular disease and risk factors of type II diabetes. [Talk about HFCS]Read MoreRisk And Protective Factors Of Mental Health1913 Words  | 8 Pages Risk and Protective Factors Risk Factors The risk factors of mental health problems and illnesses play a major role in determining the extent of developing a health issue as it increases the severity and duration of the issue. All risks fall into four separate categories: biological factors, psychological factors, environmental factors and sociocultural influences, these categories are further broken down in the table below: Protective Factors Protective factors play an important role in preventingRead MoreObesity As A Risk Factor For Cardiac Health844 Words  | 4 Pagestheir surveys and data collections and the same conclusion; obesity is a major problem in American society and it leads to multiple health issues. 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The premier orthopedicRead MoreBehavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System And Child Health1840 Words  | 8 Pagespredominant behavioral health issues in the local community, as well as the approach in which the organizations are to work together to address those behavioral health issues in the local community. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) used the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and Child Health Survey in order to determine information in regards to those residents that are 18 and older. The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System an d Child Health Survey is a federallyRead MoreThe Role of Risk Factors and Protective Factors on Mental Health and Well-Being2086 Words  | 9 PagesIn today’s society, there is substantial variation in the number of incidences of mental health disorders between individuals within a population. Even though most individuals with mental health problems do not seek professional help, the rehabilitation and treatment of those who do, does not decrease the number of psychological problems in a population. Instead, the number of mental disorders remains the same and/or possibly increases. It is therefore crucial to practice and use preventative approachesRead MoreDental Care: Prolonged Baby Bottle Feeding: a Health Risk Factor1629 Words  | 7 PagesDental Care: Prolonged Baby Bottle Feeding: A Health Risk Factor Abstract Deysi is a 2-year-old girl who lives with her parents in a one-bedroom apartment. Her mother and father work outside of the home, approximately 10 hours/day. Child care is provided by a network of women who include licensed home-based providers and a variety of friends and extended family members. 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The adolescents and younger adults aged from 13-24 years are more prone to skin cancer because of their behaviour and adolescents spend more time in sunlight as comparedRead MoreHealth Promotion Strategies Used By Nurses As Guidance For Assessment And Alleviation Of Risk Factor For Diseases Essay1471 Words  | 6 PagesHealth promotion are strategies used by nurses as guidance for assessment and alleviation of risk factor for diseases (Potter et al.,2009). Maternal health nurses provides specific screening, teaching, counselling and risk preventing tools to achieve optimal health of mother and child during the postpartum period. Postpartum is a period of both physi ological and psychological changes. The mothers adaptation such as, changes in parental role ,family ,body image, physiological changes after child birth
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Personal Business Planning and Developing †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About the Personal Business Planning and Developing? Answer: Introduction The following assignment deals with personal business planning report. Students who are involved with entrepreneurship studies have to do their future planning, to do the future planning, the set up their career in the field of entrepreneurship. Setting up the goals of their life they have to vividly choose their career options in educational pursuits while keeping in mind the ultimate goal. This report will consist of the vision and opportunities that a student will pursue after he completes his educational qualification in the university. His purpose and goals are determined. Personal business planning refers to the developing the personal career by applying the same corporate principles as we see in developing a business enterprise. Failure acts as the pillar of success. Unless a human being commits a mistake and learns something from that, it is much difficult for him to accomplish his targets and goal of the life. There was a situation in my past that I had failed in my semesters and I have to suffer a huge loss. So I was quite younger then I am now, I was taken by shock with the incident and had to regret on my performance. However, that was not the only thing I could have done, and therefore I started planning up to prepare myself better for the next semester. I had to suffer the loss due to some health issues that I was facing that time. But for me, I don't regard them to be any excuse because the career is my priority. The shock was for a temporary period, and then I planned of preparing myself well and started to make a pact schedule where I could only think of studies and nothing else. I didn't lose hope in myself and tried my level best to develop my performance graph[1]. With a lot of perseverance and patience, I have been able to become successful in fetching good score in the next semester. Therefore it is my belief that if in future I have to face any difficulty I will be able to cope up with the situation and try my level best to overcome it with best of my efforts. Thus, this report is going to depict my future business planning set up and ideologies. Vision and opportunity Each and every entrepreneur of a company has a vision regarding the business what he or she will do. In that case, I am a student pursuing my studies, and I have a plan regarding business because I want to have my own business in my future. After completing my studies, I will start a food chain business UAE because in UAE there are a lot of people who are coming from the different country and alongside with that the people of UAE love to have a different kind of foods and they are very much passionate about food. It is known to all that food is primary need of each and every human being in this world and also of the basic need, it becomes a luxury also.[2] My goals will be regarding the food business is to provide good quality of food with great quantity to the customer by which people will come to the restaurant or the outlet for the food. On the other side, I would love to extend my business by launching many of the outlets in the country. My wish is that each and every bit of my c ountry should have at least one outlet of my food shop. In my food shop, each and every type of food and recipes will be available. I will prioritize the local foods which are very much popular in the country. Along with the local food, I will keep another type of foods those are Chinese, Indians and continental dishes which are very much popular in all type of people. By keeping variety food automatically, customers will be attracted, and this will be my first and easy business strategy to attract people. On the other hand, I have to bring my business online by which more people will come to know about the business that I am running. The opportunities that the market will provide me today are concerned with the demand of the customers. My current career pursuit will facilitate me to cooperate with the great marketing features and job opportunities. Though I am going to start up my own business, the current academics will be helping me manage my company efficiently and deal with all the risks.[3] Marketing and implementation strategy For creating a position in the market, it is essential to building up the good set of qualities that will promote the image of my company. Making it attractive to the customers, brand imaging is an essential factor that will help to increase the Goodwill of the company. As I will be dealing with the food chain system in the market, I have to add up some innovative ideas and attractive approaches that will see as much as customers and food lovers. Apart from general marketing, digital marketing and marketing will be much beneficial for the situation. It can be assumed that shortly I can come up with some new food items. If the food item gains popularity, my nearest competitors must look for some other procedures to complete me in that particular label with some similar product. It is the responsibility of being a part of my entrepreneurial activities that I have to offer good and quality products and services to my consumers. I am concerned with the brand imaging of my company and to give a tough competition to my competitors; I have to think innovatively. In compared to the other UAE students, I think I have some different plans that will fetch me good opportunity to be a successful entrepreneur. Food chain system and supply is something that is quite a risky process and the ones who cannot take the risk of providing healthy product to the customers it is not easy for them to take up this business. Anything related to food and recipes is an art, an art that fulfils the desire of artists. Food-loving people can be considered as artists because they hold the quality testing different range of essence flavours of food. Risk and mitigation In every business, risk plays a vital role during the time of the decision making of the business because whenever new ideas are created that time risk automatically comes. In food chain business the primary risks are providing quality food. If I fail to serve quality food to the customer, then none of the customers will visit my food shop. On the other hand when the customer will order the food online that time limit will be given to the customer that during this time the food will be delivered but if I fell to meet the deadline of the food delivery, then the customer might cancel the order. This will hurt the good will of the business and will bring the economic condition of the business[4]. Reference Bessant, J. and Tidd, J., 2007.Innovation and entrepreneurship. John Wiley Sons. Crumpton, M.A., 2012. Innovation and entrepreneurship.The Bottom Line,25(3), pp.98-101. Drucker, P., 2014.Innovation and entrepreneurship. Routledge. Rae, D., 2003. Opportunity centred learning: an innovation in enterprise education?.Education+ Training,45(8/9), pp.542-549. [1] Bessant, J. and Tidd, J., 2007.Innovation and entrepreneurship. John Wiley Sons. [2] Rae, D., 2003. Opportunity centred learning: an innovation in enterprise education?.Education+ Training,45(8/9), pp.542-549. [3] Drucker, P., 2014.Innovation and entrepreneurship. Routledge. [4] Crumpton, M.A., 2012. Innovation and entrepreneurship.The Bottom Line,25(3), pp.98-101.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Market research and a feasibility study report
Introduction The Eden Land Company has developed a new business idea. It plans to combine water with slices of fruits and serve them to customers. The water will be packed in uniquely designed and eco-friendly bottles. This paper provides a market research and feasibility study report for the Healthy Drink.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Market research and a feasibility study report specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More â€Å"SMART†objectives Eden Land has set objectives and their feasibility tests. For instance, one of its objectives is to satisfy the needs of customers within the first week after the product is introduced into the market by meeting their needs. The Customers tastes differ in many ways, and the company understands that creativity is one of the ways it can use to influence the purchase of its products (Burns 111). The company has noted that many young people suffer from blood pressu re and water retention problems. It has developed a remedy to this problem by offering the Healthy Drink product. This objective will be measured by the outcomes, testimonies, and reactions of customers to the product (Burns 221). Healthy Drink (Product) TheEden Land Company will offer the Healthy Drink product to its customers. The Healthy Drink is a type of water with minimum quantities of sodium and is ideal for people suffering from high blood pressure. It is also ideal for people suffering from water retention. The Healthy Drink product is packed in unique bottles different from those of their competitors in order for customers to easily recognize them in the market. The company will also ensure that the Healthy Drink stands out consistently by ensuring that it is treated in accordance with the required specifications. It will provide customers with a high quality Healthy Drink to influence post-purchase of the product, and hence maximize on sales, profits, and revenues. Market Research The market for the Healthy Drink product is readily available. Market research plays a significant role in successful business development (Carson 52). The product is targeted at the youths (generation Y) with water retention problems and high blood pressure. To avoid these problems, they should take the Healthy Drink product, which is a type of water with minimum sodium quantities. The company will add slices of fruits to this water to make it appealing to the target audience. The demand for pure healthy water is on the increase. This is an added advantage for the Eden Land Company because it meets the customers’ specifications.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Pricing and Promotion The Eden Land Company will set affordable prices for its Healthy Drink mineral water immediately after launching the product. There is stiff competition from other produ cts such as Masafi, Panna, Aquafina and Pellegrik among others. The company will ensure that it employs the price leadership strategy to gain competitive advantage over its competitors (Marn, Eric Craig 79). The company also intends to integrate the most efficient promotional campaigns for its product before and after the launch of the new product. Considering that the target audience are echo boomers who spend most of their time in the browsing the internet, the company will employ social media marketing strategies (Strydom 140). Operations Plan /Organization Chart Eden Land will develop departments, which include research and development, marketing, customer service, sales and human resource department. Each of these departments will have 20 employees and will be headed by a manager. The manager will be responsible in staffing, planning and controlling operations in their respective departments. The company will use raw materials such as disinfectants (chlorine and chloramine), o rganic polymers, acidity neutralizers (lime or caustic soda), and coagulants (sodium). The company will design a supply chain network to facilitate efficient supply of Healthy Drink mineral water to the target audience in Abu Dhiabi. It will open stores near the customers’ reach and use mobile vehicles to supply the product. The company will need refrigerators in the stores and vehicles to store the product. The company also intends to employ the NICHE strategy of marketing since it is targeting the echo boomers who are active on social media. The company expects to break into the Middle East market within two years after launching the Healthy Drink product. Eden Land Company Organization chart Financial Projections/Income Statement The company will pursue a loan of 500,000 Dirhams from a local lender. It will present a cash flow forecast, an opening Balance sheet for the first month, and, a closing Balance Sheet ending for first year to the bank. Eden Land will also present its income statement forecasting for the first year and owner equity, to the lender. This will help the bank to see how the company has planned its future cash requirements in avoiding the liquidity crisis.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Market research and a feasibility study report specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Justification The company chose this product because it is more profitable than the other products. Moreover, the demand for the Healthy Drink mineral water is high considering that the target audience wants healthy lives. The product will do well in the market place because it meets the needs of consumers. The water business is profitable compared to other products in the market place (Drelich Hwang 211). For instance, the costs incurred in the whole process before the product reaches the consumers are low. In addition, water is abundant and it costs less money to treat, and make it cond ucive for drinking. Works Cited Burns, Paul. Entrepreneurship and Small Business: Start-up, Growth and Maturity. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. Print. Carson, David. Qualitative Marketing Research. London [u.a.: SAGE, 2001. Print. Drelich, J, Jiann-Yang Hwang. Water in Mineral Processing. Englewood, Colo: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, 2012. Print. Marn, Michael V, Eric V. Roegner, Craig C. Zawada. The Price Advantage. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2004. Print. Strydom, Johan. Introduction to Marketing. Cape Town, South Africa: Juta, 2004. Print.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This research paper on Market research and a feasibility study report was written and submitted by user Sandra L. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Obesity essayEssay Writing Service
Obesity essayEssay Writing Service Obesity essay Obesity essayObesity as a social problem can be seen from many perspectives. Each of the three core sociological theories can be applied to the explanation of the concept of obesity. Using the definition provided by the text, it is possible to categorize obesity as a highly prevalent social problem. Obesity is associated with public concerns regarding the overall health of the nation (Korgen Furst, 2012).  In other words, obesity as a social problem serves concrete social functions. There are many examples of individual and societal factors leading to obesity, such as unhealthy foods, psychological problems, economic problems, poor physical activity, and other factors. The individual and social consequences of doing nothing to address this problem involve the risk of having chronic illnesses (heart failure, diabetes, etc.) poor performance, economic and psychological consequences, and other consequences (Overweight and Obesity, 2014). A conflict theorist would explain the problem of obesity as a â€Å"conflict between the goals of eating enjoyment and the goals of weight control†(Heshmat, 2011, p. 180). A functionalist would explain the problem of obesity as a problem caused by the disorganization of society and the establishment of the so-called social pathology. Each part of society affects other parts, contributing to social instability in the context of eating behaviors (Heshmat, 2011). A symbolic interactionist would explain the problem of obesity as a problem caused by human behavior and symbolic interaction with others. The self is socially constructed; therefore, human behavior is influenced by social interactions. Based on recent research and on my personal reflection on obesity, symbolic interactionism is the most appropriate theoretical perspective regarding my views on obesity (Mooney, 2014). It explains the causes of obesity in a proper way. Obesity influences all aspects of social life. Obese people are often discriminated by others. B esides, obesity is associated with class inequalities, as well as inequalities in incomes and promotions, what leads to low self-esteem. Based on my analysis, it is necessary to conclude that the issue of obesity should be addressed as a social problem.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
homosexuality essays
homosexuality essays In 20th century attitude toward gay community was very negative. However, in recent years gay and lesbians are gaining more rights. The biggest problem that homosexuals are facing right now is not being able to adopt a child. There are 22 states where they are allowed to adopt and it is seen there that they are adopting in increasing numbers. Ongoing legal battles over same-sex marriage have drawn increasing public attention to the question of whether lesbian and gay families can raise happy, healthy children. However, there is no evidence that persons sexual orientation will influence the child and make him a worst parent. In order to find out if homosexual couples could raise happy and healthy children, researchers presented a study of lesbian mothers and their children, as well as a comparison group of heterosexual couple and their children. The average age of the children at the time that the study was performed was about 9 years old. The follow up study was in 1990s and the average age of the young people at follow up was about 23 years old. This study was performed in order to see if children who grow up in a family led by a lesbian mother would have disadvantages in terms of their social, psychological and sexual orientation in comparison to children who were raised by heterosexual couple. It was found: 1. Children from lesbian mother families were no more likely than heterosexual families to experience peer pressure during adolescence, and most were able to integrate close friends outside their family life. They also were no more likely to recall being teased specifically about their mother. I think every child gets teased either he is tall or short, thin or fat. 2. Findings relating to the sexual orientation of children are generally that children from lesbian family were not more likely to identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual. 3. In regards to psychological adjustment men and women...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Law, Language, Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Law, Language, Power - Essay Example Thus the question that should clients trusts their lawyers to take care of their welfare and their interests? This book is based on the dynamics of professionalism between the client and the lawyer. This book shows how the relationship between the lawyer and the client can be used to draw on the resources of power to set the program of their interaction without either of them being over involved. There is the shift of power between both sides: where it is achieved, power is found through one’s ability to understand how the legal and social worlds are accepted. Both parties examine the efforts needed to create shared meanings on the nature of marriage and the reasons behind marriage failure, legal operation process and the best option for divorce closure (Sarat& Felstiner 43). Rodney king was a black motorist who happened to have been beaten and put under arrest by four white police officers. This scenario was captured by an onlooker and released to the press. Most of the public believed that the four police officers were guilty excessive use of force against Rodney as a new version of the video footage omitted Rodney charging at the police. On the day of acquitting the police officers, riots broke out leaving deaths, injuries and destruction of property ( Sarat& O’Barr 54). This case brought tensions between the police and the African Americans. Rodney’s trial shows how the ability to view a meaningful event lacks transparency and is an activity that is achieved through the use of historical practices. In many settings of work, the environment where the interplay between the situated, embodied relations and use different types of visual images can be investigated systematically. The main focus of their professional analysis of the different types of environmental representations of the visual structure. In King’s case the main evidence was provided in a videotape. Instead of directly proving the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Writing - Assignment Example I strongly believe that the warm moist space underneath the foreskin is a prime breeding zone for bacteria. Thus, it can harbor organisms that can transmit sexually transmitted diseases. Once a man gets rid of his foreskin, this would be avoided. As well, circumcision is hygienic since once the foreskin is removed, the cheese-like, foul smelling substance will never accumulate. However, this could contribute to infections between partners, and can even cause cancer. Circumcised men find it easy to keep their bodies hygienic contrary to uncircumcised men. It is worth noting that the fact that circumcised men keep off bacteria and other disease causing microorganisms, it is true to say that circumcision reduces transmission of HIV/AIDS. Uncircumcised men are at a higher risk of contracting STIs, than circumcised ones. My view on circumcision has been influenced by medical studies. The basis of these views is primarily medical, and has been proved to be true. After reading a lot of studies regarding circumcision, I came to realize that it promotes healthy living. For this reason, circumcision should be practiced by all men if at all they mind about their
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Care provided to victims Essay Example for Free
Care provided to victims Essay Crisis intervention is care provided to victims of a crisis to help them adapt to the new challenges facing them. It is an urgent action taken to assist people overcome trauma resulting from a crisis. A crisis results from disruption of life, as we are accustomed. These disruptions present huge challenges to victims. In response they exhibit different characteristics. While change is constant in society, it presents challenges some of which resolve themselves out and others that require professional help. A crisis intervention center takes care of those who, when faced by these challenges, become disoriented and unstable. (Aguilera, Donna, C, 1998) The crisis facing Danville residents include anxiety, suicidal thoughts and trauma from domestic violence and crime. These problems are precipitated by rampant unemployment due to closure of some firms. The crisis intervention center will assist the community to overcome these challenges. It will have three main objections namely containing the spread of the crisis, controlling the resultant trauma of the crisis and try as much to help the residents adjust to the new challenges. To meet the needs of the residents better the center will be located in poor neighborhoods where the majority of these problems occur. It will operate round the clock in order to offer timely services whenever needed. The center will act promptly when our client is in need. We will take under our care victims of domestic violence or crime and counsel them to overcome their traumatic experience. We will assist to heal the emotional wounds acquired from their experiences. The main aim here will be to stop our clients from taking drastic actions with very negative consequences. Victims of violent acts are most vulnerable immediately after the horrific experience. They cannot think clearly and might take fatal measures. We will reassure encourage them to be more positive. At the crisis intervention center, we will offer residents advice on how to avoid the occurrence of such a problem in the first place. We will identify groups in society that are predisposed to domestic violence, eviction harassment and crime and try to lead them from such activities. We will encourage the vulnerable individuals to take action to avoid such problems when still early rather than wait till its too late The center will also provide clients continued counseling through the recovery period. Our aim is to as much as possible return the clients to the state they were in before the crisis occurred. We will offer them an opportunity to speak out confidentially about their experiences, and their feelings or reactions to the experience. We listen to their problems keenly and offer advice that would help them come to terms with the whole experience. We will organize support groups among the clients so that they can share and reinforce each other. We will also help the victims to move on after their traumatic experience. We will carry out follow up services to ensure full recovery. We will assist them to rebuild their lives providing the necessary encouragement and advice. We will help them to come up with workable solutions that would help them make necessary adjustments in life. We will not force decisions on them rather we will provide an enabling environment. Together we will develop solutions that stop the reoccurrence of the same problem. We will present the victims with the various options facing them and the consequences of each decision. This way they make informed choices. (Flannery, Raymond, et al,2000) Most of the residents who will come to our center will have other problems that are beyond our services. Such cases will be referred to the relevant institutions. Clients with physical injuries will be treated at the local hospital as we offer our services alongside. Those with mental instabilities will be referred to the mental health center for psychiatric help. Those with drug addictions will be referred to agencies that offer detoxification services such as the local Alcohol Anonymous for alcoholics. The center will coordinate with these agencies to provide an all round service. The center will rely on both professional staff and volunteers. Volunteers will be highly welcome due to cost constraints. We will encourage the local community especially past beneficiaries of the center to volunteer. Those who have been through the center will be more willing and optimistic to replicate their recovery on other members of society. We will also appeal to the Danville community to make donations to the center. The community should identify with the center and work for its success. In selecting staff, the center will look for individuals who are open minded and non-judgmental. These should be individuals who believe in the ability of others to change. They must enjoy working with people without any biases along class or race. They must be empathetic to the client’s predicament and possess a never give up attitude. For the professional staff, they need to have academic and professional qualifications from recognizable institutions. They should also be registered with the relevant professional bodies. Reporting skills and some legal knowledge will also be of much relevant. The center will regularly train its staff together with the volunteers. The training will focus on building counseling abilities and skills. We will train them on how to build and maintain client’s trust. Counseling can only take place in if there is enough trust and confidentiality. We also train them how to assist a client to open up listening keenly, non-judgmental attitude, and by softly prodding them. They should also keep reassuring the client. (mentalhealth. samhsa. gov) Offering counseling service is very strenuous and energy sapping work. It can also be very frustrating and heart breaking. Staff members become exhausted and loose motivation. They will face constant pressure as they try to solve clients’ problems. They put in long hours and this hurts their ability to play their other roles in life. Some of the patients may turn abusive while others may keep to their old ways no matter how had the social worker tries. The workers may feel that their effort and sacrifice is not fully appreciated or recognized. All these factors cause burnout. Burnout is a state frustration, loss of hope and a sense of failure. They feel that they cannot take it anymore and will have to quit. The center will put in place measures for the workers avoid or cope with the burnout. It will provide a mentorship program for the staff. The workers will be encouraged to form groups that provide a forum to share experiences and frustrations. We will also encourage them to eat well and engage in leisure activities. The management will also advise them to set their boundaries with their clients. The management will also improve on the work environment while showing appreciation for work well done. (Penson, Richard, T, et al, 2000) References National Mental Health Information Center. Training Manual for Mental Health and Human Services Worker in Major Disasters. Retrieved on18/10/07 from http://mentalhealth. samhsa. gov/publications/allpubs/ADM90-538/tmsection7. asp Flannery, Raymond, B. and Everly, George, S, 2000. Crisis Intervention: A Review. Continuing Education. Retrieved on 10/18/07 from http://www. icisf. org/articles/Acrobat%20Documents/TerrorismIncident/CrsIntRev. pdf Richard T. Penson, Fiona L. Dignan, George P. Canellos, Carol L. Picard, Thomas J. Lynch, Jr. 2000. Burnout: Caring for the Caregivers. The Oncologist, vol5. No5. Retrieved on 10/18/07 from http://theoncologist. alphamedpress. org/cgi/content/full/5/5/425 Aguilera, Donna C, 1998. Crisis Intervention: Theory and Methodology. New York: Mosby, 8ed
Friday, November 15, 2019
lisence to kill :: essays research papers
License to Kill Imagine being in a bar with a few of your good friends. Everyone is drinking and having a good time. You are going to leave and go home, but you friends won't let you because they know the dangers of driving after having a few drinks. Instead they call a cab to give you a ride home. You would be extremely lucky to have such smart friends. Drunk driving is a very serious problem in our society today, but it is becoming socially unacceptable causing the numbers of alcohol related traffic fatalities t o decline considerably. Drunk driving can be very deadly. Yet many people drive while under the influence everyday. Drivers who are drunk are blamed for the loss of as many as twenty-five thousand lives in highway crashes each year and hundreds of thousands of severe injuries. It is thought that drunk drivers have a long history of doing this and many prior arrests. In addition, most of those killed are just innocent victims whose behavior did not contribute to their deaths. These last two statements are both false. On aver age a drunk driver that kills has never been involved in an alcohol related accident before and have no prior convictions for drunk driving. The part about the people killed are just innocent bystanders is unexaggerated also. Most of the drunk drivers victims are the drivers themselves, their often passengers, and the drunken pedestrians and cyclists. Despite this drunk driving is still very dangerous. It is the leading cause of unintentional injury deaths in America today. In fact it is said that about 40 % of the population will be involved in a alcohol related crash during their life. Drunk driving is especially dangerous to young people, who seem to be more involved than others. Drunk driving is the number one cause of death among y oung people, accounting for 20% of all deaths from ages 15 to 20. Drunk driving is such a hard thing to overcome though. In our society alcohol is overwhelmingly accepted as a facilitator of sociable interaction, and the great majority of adults drink. But steps a re being taken and the numbers of deaths are declining. Alcohol-related traffic fatalities have been decreasing lately. As a proportion of all traffic fatalities it has been decreased since 1999. In fact since 1999 the number of alcohol related traffic fatalities has decreased 30%, from 25,165 to 17,699, while alcohol-related traffic fatalities, as a proportion of all traffic fatalities, decreased from 57% to 45%.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Workforce
The workforce is contingent with the teamwork of personnel and state. The workforce remain the main concern of employers everywhere. All areas of employment are touched by economics and its affected by births, plus the quality of training each person receives. 100 years ago, jobs were manufacturing in nature, what I mean is that individuals worked in factories or on an assembly lines. These types of positions weren't very challenging because it's a situation that was repetitious as the worker repeat steps. Subsequently new technology happens to be more demanding, very aggressive and creative. Women are employed within position that once was considered â€Å"only men were productive in. Work shifts are divided into three shifts for several organizations. They're basically eight hours a shift and the employee usually work forty hours a week. Over the years the workforce has added four generation of workers. This has caused a distinctive effect on the workforce causing them to face the age differences. The HR knows that the workforce of the past consequencely will impact the future status of many organizations. They know that achieving their goal depends on how they hire workers. Also, the facts show that countless people are not retiring but are carrying on working well past the age of 65. HR specialists find that they're having to formulate additional resolutions to link the demands relating to the workforce with the aging workers. Which requires HR specialists to understand and be able to execute ways to create jobs and to fill them with acceptable workers. Meanwhile workers and jobs are always transforming so organizations realize that they have diversity and the skill to maintain a balanced workforce being competent to accomplish their goals for the future of the organization. Also, companies have moved to global level with improved technology and communication. Besides more women employees entered the workforce which was not the state 100 years ago where women lives tended to be centered around their families. During World War I changed who the workforce would use once the men were either volunteering or being drafted to serve in the military which resulted in there was no one to fill the positions. So businesses hired the women to work in the men's place. After showing the factories that the women were capable to carry out the duties that the men could do, but they were paid less for the same job. Since then women have demanded rights for equal pay and equal treatment. Because the workforce have become more diverse with gender, age, and culture it has caused organizations to change how they attain workers and maintain their numbers. The older workers are still present in the workforce is making HR to consider alternative ways for hiring, training, and what type of benefits plans to offer as enticements.Today HR managers needs to spend considerable time and money in training in new technology and keep them updated. The future US workforce groups in 2025 would be mostly aged population over 60 years. The workforce I filled with many kinds of technology such as computers, internet, smart phones and many mobile devices that has opened communication where everything seems to move at the speed of light. Therefore, HR will need to be on their toes to meet every task in the future.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Analyzing Supply of Demand Simulation
Analyzing Supply of Demand Simulation ECO/365 January 31, 2010 Analyzing Supply of Demand Simulation Supply and demand is a significant element of business procedures thus this paper will evaluate how supply and demand affects a business via a simulation provided by the University of Phoenix. In this paper, I will talk about the reasons for changes that occur in supply and demand. I will talk about how shifts in supply and demand influence the organization’s decision making process as well. I will also cover the four key points established within the reading assignments and how they relay to the simulation and how every theory can be related to situations in a workplace environment. This paper will establish how price elasticity of demand influences the decisions of the consumer and the organization. Changes in Supply and Demand There are quite a few factors that influence supply and demand in the simulation. These factors demand for the apartments, the availability of the apartments, the price of the apartments, the quantity of people or renters who are interested. According to the simulation, a demand curve is downward sloping. During the simulation, as the price of the apartments decreased, demand for them increased. The supply curve, however, is sloping upwards. The number of two-bedroom apartments increased as the price increased. An excess in the industry for the apartments make use of downward demands on the price for the apartments. So therefore in order for GoodLife to attract renters, they would need to lower their prices. Shifts that Affect Decision Making The different shifts in supply and demand affects decision making in several ways in regard to the simulation. In the simulation the changes that GoodLife were trying to make as well as the changes in the population of Atlantis had an effect on the supply and demand of the simulation. Since the renters changed their preferences, the demand for the apartments that GoodLife offered decreased. GoodLife then decided to renovate the apartments and make them into condominiums that they could for sell. By doing this, GoodLife caused a decrease in the supply as well as a decrease in the demand. Given that, the supply and demand curve equally moved to the left. Four Key Points Four key points in the simulation were supply and demand, equilibrium, shifts in the supply and demand, and price ceilings. The simulation is based on supply and demand and is very helpful in understanding the different factors that can affect it. According to the simulation, a demand curve is downward sloping. According to our text, a demand curve illustrates how a â€Å"change in the price level will change aggregate expenditures on all goods and services in an economy†(Colander, 2010). In reference to the simulation, as the price for the apartments decreased, demand increased. The supply curve, on the other hand, is upward sloping. The number of two-bedroom apartments increased as the price increased. Equilibrium is a concept in which opposing dynamic forces cancel each other out. In other words, equilibrium can be described as the position at which quantity demanded meet up with the supply that is presented. The quantity demanded will surpass the quantity supplied which can possibly lead to shortages, if prices are below the equilibrium point. At this point, the prices have a tendency to rise in order to increase the supply until the equilibrium is met. A shift in the demand curve can occur because of a change in the income, a change in the price or a change in tastes. A shift in the supply curve can because of change in the costs of production, a change in technology, or a change in price of goods. A price ceiling takes place when the government places a legal limit on how high the price of a product can be. In order for a price ceiling to be successful, it must be put below the market equilibrium. Applying Simulation to Workplace The impact of supply and demand changes can have a big influence over the software industry. The technology involved in the software industry never really stays at the same level because technologies constantly change. However, if you were to take a closer look at things, computers and software evolve about every six months to a year and half; hence the reason technology is the constant factor that prompts change in the software industry. Elasticity of Demand Price elasticity of demand refers to the way prices change in correlation to the demand. People with lower incomes are inclined to have lower price elasticity because they have less money to spend. People with a higher income are inclined to have higher price elasticity since he can afford to spend more money. In both cases, â€Å"ability to pay is negotiated by the intrinsic value of what is being sold. If the thing being sold is in high demand, even a consumer with low price elasticity is usually willing to pay higher prices†(WiseGeek, 2010). Basically, goods or services presented at a lower price lead to a demand for greater quantity. Price elasticity of demand also explains that price becomes more elastic, because consumers can always choose to buy a good or service that is cheaper, in this case, prices will change with demand. In addition to this, completion for a certain good or service can also affect price elasticity of demand because it keeps prices lower. In summary, according to the simulation process, the demand curve is sloping downward, which causes the quantity demand to increase as the price decreases. The suggestion was for the management company to decrease its rental rates, which would therefore increase the demands for apartments. The supply curve is sloping upward, so therefore the quantity supplied increases as the price decreases. As stated, the quantity demanded balances out the quantity supplied at the equilibrium point. Nevertheless, when prices are below equilibrium, the quantity demanded surpasses the quantity supplied. In retrospect, when prices are above equilibrium, quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded, which cause an excess. References 1) WiseGeek. (2010). What is Price Elasticity of Demand?. Retrieved from http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-price-elasticity-of-demand. htm
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Gestures and Facial Expressions
. There is a need for gestures and facial expressions in order to produce the emotions significance. Facial expressions come naturally to us. We are gifted with them since birth. A newborn baby doesn’t learn gestures form his/her parents. Newborns aren’t taught how to show pain, but the do, sometimes without even crying or screaming. The gestures they produce correspond their expressions, in this case, screaming or crying. When raising a child, parents tend to condition them to certain behaviors. They teach them what is, and we quote, â€Å"right and wrong.†A parent accustoms his/her child to certain facial expressions. If a parent displays a look of anger, the child immediately knows he/she has done something bad. If a parent displays a look of content, the child knows he/she has or is doing something that is good, or all right by the parent. Someone could easily tell what another person is thinking just by looking at his or her gestures. If you were to see someone smiling, automatically you know that the person is happy or something amuses him/her. It’s the same if the person were frowning and slouching; you’d automatically know that the person is feeling depressed or sad. It’s just the same for expressions of anger, surprise, disgust, or any other expression. If a person a person were to give an expression or gesture portraying anguish or distress at his or her birthday party, you’d instantly know that there’s something wrong with the person... Free Essays on Gestures and Facial Expressions Free Essays on Gestures and Facial Expressions Gestures and facial expressions often communicate what words cannot say. Words aren’t always genuine, for they can be said as well as they can be blown away with the wind. For this matter, it is in every human being’s advantage that there are facial expressions, to expose what words cannot communicate. Strong feelings and emotions such as sadness, fear, grief, disgust, anger, joy, and especially surprise cannot easily expressed with only the use of words. There is a need for gestures and facial expressions in order to produce the emotions significance. Facial expressions come naturally to us. We are gifted with them since birth. A newborn baby doesn’t learn gestures form his/her parents. Newborns aren’t taught how to show pain, but the do, sometimes without even crying or screaming. The gestures they produce correspond their expressions, in this case, screaming or crying. When raising a child, parents tend to condition them to certain behaviors. They teach them what is, and we quote, â€Å"right and wrong.†A parent accustoms his/her child to certain facial expressions. If a parent displays a look of anger, the child immediately knows he/she has done something bad. If a parent displays a look of content, the child knows he/she has or is doing something that is good, or all right by the parent. Someone could easily tell what another person is thinking just by looking at his or her gestures. If you were to see someone smiling, automatically you know that the person is happy or something amuses him/her. It’s the same if the person were frowning and slouching; you’d automatically know that the person is feeling depressed or sad. It’s just the same for expressions of anger, surprise, disgust, or any other expression. If a person a person were to give an expression or gesture portraying anguish or distress at his or her birthday party, you’d instantly know that there’s something wrong with the person...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Hundred Years War History and Summary
The Hundred Years War History and Summary The Hundred Years War was a series of connected conflicts between England, the Valois kings of France, factions of French nobles and other allies over both claims to the French throne and control of land in France. It ran from 1337 to 1453; you’ve not misread that, it is actually longer than a hundred years; the name derived from nineteenth-century historians and has stuck. Context of the Hundred Years War: English Land in France Tensions between the English and French thrones over continental land dated to 1066 when William, Duke of Normandy, conquered England. His descendants in England had gained further lands in France by the reign of Henry II, who inherited the County of Anjou from his father and control of the Dukedom of Aquitaine through his wife. Tensions simmered between the growing power of the French kings and the great power of their most powerful, and in some eyes equal, English royal vassal, occasionally leading to armed conflict. King John of England lost Normandy, Anjou, and other lands in France in 1204, and his son was forced to sign the Treaty of Paris ceding this land. In return, he received Aquitaine and other territories to be held as a vassal of France. This was one king bowing to another, and there were further wars in 1294 and 1324 when Aquitaine was confiscated by France and won back by the English crown. As the profits from Aquitaine alone rivaled those of England, the region was important and retained many differences from the rest of France. Origins of the Hundred Years War When Edward III of England came to blows with David Bruce of Scotland in the first half of the fourteenth century, France supported Bruce, raising tensions. These rose further as both Edward and Philip prepared for war, and Philip confiscated the Duchy of Aquitaine in May 1337 in order to try and reassert his control. This was the direct start of the Hundred Years War. But what changed this conflict from the disputes over French land earlier was Edward III’s reaction: in 1340 he claimed the throne of France for himself. He had a legitimate right claim- when Charles IV of France had died in 1328 he was childless, and the 15-year-old Edward was a potential heir through his mother’s side, but a French Assembly chose Philip of Valois- but historians don’t know whether he really meant to try for the throne or was just using it as a bargaining chip to either gain land or divide the French nobility. Probably the latter but, either way, he called himself the King of France. Alternate Views As well as a conflict between England and France, the Hundred Years War can also be viewed as a struggle in France between the crown and major nobles for control of key ports and trading areas and equally a struggle between the centralizing authority of the French crown and local laws and independencies. Both are another stage in the development of the collapsing feudal/tenurial relationship between the King-Duke of England and the French King, and the growing power of the French crown/tenurial relationship between the King-Duke of England and the French King, and the growing power of the French crown. Edward III, the Black Prince and English Victories Edward III pursued a twofold attack on France. He worked to gain allies among disaffected French nobles, causing them to break with the Valois kings, or supported these nobles against their rivals. In addition, Edward, his nobles, and later his son- dubbed The Black Prince- led several great armed raids aimed at plundering, terrorizing and destroying French land, in order to enrich themselves and undermine the Valois king. These raids were called chevauchà ©es. French raids on the British coast were dealt a blow by the English naval victory at Sluys. Although the French and English armies often kept their distance, there were set-piece battles, and England won two famous victories at Crecy (1346) and Poitiers (1356), the second capturing the Valois French King John. England had suddenly won a reputation for military success, and France was shocked. With France leaderless, with large parts in rebellion and the rest plagued by mercenary armies, Edward attempted to seize Paris and Rheims, perhaps for a royal coronation. He took neither but brought the Dauphin- the name for the French heir to the throne - to the negotiating table. The Treaty of Brà ©tigny was signed in 1360 after further invasions: in return for dropping his claim on the throne. Edward won a large and independent Aquitaine, other land and a substantial sum of money. But complications in the text of this agreement allowed both sides to renew their claims later on. French Ascendance and a Pause Tensions rose again as England and France patronized opposing sides in a war for the Castilian crown. Debt from the conflict caused Britain to squeeze Aquitaine, whose nobles turned to France, who in turn confiscated Aquitaine again, and war erupted once more in 1369. The new Valois King of France, the intellectual Charles V, aided by an able guerrilla leader called Bertrand du Guesclin, reconquered much of the English gains while avoiding any large pitch battles with the attacking English forces. The Black Prince died in 1376, and Edward III in 1377, although the latter had been ineffectual in his last years. Even so, the English forces had managed to check the French gains and neither side sought a pitched battle; stalemate was reached. By 1380, the year both Charles V and du Guesclin died, both sides were growing tired of the conflict, and there were only sporadic raids interspersed by truces. England and France were both ruled by minors, and when Richard II of England came of age he reasserted himself over pro-war nobles (and a pro-war nation), suing for peace. Charles VI and his advisors also sought peace, and some went on crusade. Richard then became too tyrannical for his subjects and was deposed, while Charles went insane. French Division and Henry V In the early decades of the fifteenth-century tensions rose again, but this time between two noble houses in France - Burgundy and Orlà ©ans - over the right to govern on behalf of the mad king. This division led to civil war in 1407 after the head of Orlà ©ans was assassinated; the Orlà ©ans side became known as the Armagnacs after their new leader. After a misstep where a treaty was signed between the rebels and England, only for peace to break out in France when the English attacked, in 1415 a new English king seized the opportunity to intervene. This was Henry V, and his first campaign culminated in the most famous battle in English history: Agincourt. Critics might attack Henry for poor decisions which forced him to fight a larger pursing French force, but he won the battle. While this had little immediate effect on his plans for conquering France, the massive boost to his reputation allowed Henry to raise further funds for the war and made him a legend in British history. Henry returned again to France, this time aiming to take and hold land instead of carrying out chevauchà ©es; he soon had Normandy back under control. The Treaty of Troyes and an English King of France The struggles between the houses of Burgundy and Orlà ©ans continued, and even when a meeting was agreed to decide upon anti-English action, they fell out once more. This time John, Duke of Burgundy, was assassinated by one of the Dauphin’s party, and his heir allied with Henry, coming to terms in the Treaty of Troyes in 1420. Henry V of England would marry the daughter of the Valois King, become his heir and act as his regent. In return, England would continue the war against Orlà ©ans and their allies, which included the Dauphin. Decades later, a monk commenting upon the skull of Duke John said: â€Å"This is the hole through which the English entered France.†The Treaty was accepted in English and Burgundian held lands- largely the north of France- but not in the south, where the Valois heir to France was allied with the Orlà ©ans faction. However, in August 1422 Henry died, and the mad French King Charles VI followed soon after. Consequently, Henry’s nine-month-old son became king of both England and France, albeit with recognition largely in the north. Joan of Arc Henry VI’s regents won several victories as they readied for a push into the Orlà ©ans heartland, although their relationship with the Burgundians had grown fractious. By September 1428 they were besieging the town of Orlà ©ans itself, but they suffered a setback when the commanding Earl of Salisbury was killed observing the city. Then a new personality emerged: Joan of Arc. This peasant girl arrived at the Dauphin’s court claiming mystic voices had told her she was on a mission to free France from English forces. Her impact revitalized the moribund opposition, and they broke the siege around Orlà ©ans, defeated the English several times and were able to crown the Dauphin in Rheims cathedral. Joan was captured and executed by her enemies, but opposition in France now had a new king to rally around. After a few years of stalemate, they rallied around the new king when the Duke of Burgundy broke with the English in 1435. After the Congress of Arras, they recognized Charles VII as king. Many believe the Duke had decided England could never truly win France. French and Valois Victory The unification of Orlà ©ans and Burgundy under the Valois crown made an English victory all but impossible, but the war continued. The fighting was halted temporarily in 1444 with a truce and a marriage between Henry VI of England and a French princess. This, and the English government ceding Maine to achieve the truce caused an outcry in England. War soon began again when the English broke the truce. Charles VII had used the peace to reform the French army, and this new model made great advances against English lands on the continent and won the Battle of Formigny in 1450. By the end of 1453, after all, English land bar Calais had been retaken and feared English commander John Talbot had been killed at the Battle of Castillon, the war was effectively over.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
As below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
As below - Essay Example been provided under Article 81(3), however these four exceptions to the rule are so broad based and uncertain in their legal application that they do not provide any effective guidance to undertakings on what will and will not be construed to be a restrictive practice under EU law. Moreover, the provisions of this section of Article 81 also face difficulties in their legal application, because they must be enforced by national Courts and there are no effective or clear guidelines that are available to local Courts in judicial interpretation of these exemptions. One option open to local Courts in the event of ambiguity in interpretation is to seek a reference under Article 234, in order that Community decisions are not accepted or rejected in an ad hoc manner by a national Court2. The recent moved by the EU to introduce clear guidelines on the criteria under which block exemptions have been provided to certain groups of undertakings may also be helpful in resolving the uncertainties that both undertakings and judicial authorities have faced in applying the provisions of Article 81(3). Article 81 (3) lays out some exceptions to the provisions of Article 81, where the criterion of anti-competitive practice will not apply. These four conditions that can be applied to undertakings whose activities3 - The European Commission has provided some guidelines for the implementation of the provisions of Article 81(3)4. According to these guidelines, the assessment on application of Article 81(3) is to be carried out in two parts. The first step is to assess whether such an agreement between two or more undertakings is likely to restrict competition. It may be noted that where small undertakings are concerned, the potential for their scope of activity adversely affecting trade between member states is limited. Therefore, according to the objectives of Article 81, the activity would not qualify as incompatible with community law. Hence this should be the first step any
Friday, November 1, 2019
Professional Translation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Professional Translation - Essay Example This framed Nida's dynamic equivalence which is understanding not only the meaning of the source text but also the manner in which the intended receptors of a text are likely to understand it in the receptor language (Tianmin). In other words, Nida is more concerned in how the receptors would understand or digest the intended message of the original text. Nida has been into biblical translations. One theory of equivalence is that of Vinay and Darbelnet who view equivalence-oriented translation as a procedure which 'replicates the same situation as in the original, whilst using completely different wording' (Kenny: 342). They regard the method as ideal in dealing with proverbs, idioms, clichs, nominal or adjectival phrases and the onomatopoeia of animal sounds. Another theory of equivalence is that of Jakobson, known as the concept of equivalence in difference. Roman Jakobson's study of equivalence gave new impetus to the theoretical analysis of translation since he introduced the notion of 'equivalence in difference' (Jakobson, 1959:232). ... There is no full equivalence between code units. According to his theory, 'translation involves two equivalent messages in two different codes' (Jakobson, p. 233). From a grammatical point of view, languages may differ from one another to a greater or lesser degree, but this does not mean that a translation cannot be possible, meaning that the translator may face the problem of not finding a translation equivalent. Similarities of Vinay and Darbelnet's theory and Jakobson's theory can be found in the fact that both can rely on other procedures such as loan-translations or neologisms whenever linguistic approach is no longer suitable in the translation process. Nida and Taber's formal correspondence and dynamic equivalence is another theory of equivalence. Formal correspondence 'focuses attention on the message itself, in both form and content' (Nida and Taber, 1982), unlike dynamic equivalence which is based upon 'the principle of equivalent effect' (1964: 159). Formal correspondence consists of correspondence TL item which represents the closest equivalent of a SL word or phrase. There are not always formal equivalents between language pairs. These formal equivalents should be used wherever possible if the translation aims at achieving formal rather than dynamic equivalence. Nida and Taber assert that formal correspondence distorts the grammatical and stylistic patterns of the receptor language, and hence distorts the message, so as to cause the receptor to misunderstand or to labor unduly hard' (1964:201). Dynamic equivalence is defined as a translation principle according to which a translator seeks to translate the meaning of the origi nal in such a way that the TL wording will trigger the same
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Bilingual Education and Bilingualism Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Bilingual Education and Bilingualism - Article Example Among other benefits, bilingual people are also better able to deal with distractions, and the learning of other language improve listening skills and memory (Bilingual Families Perth, 2003; Kern, 2006; Benefits, online website) If thinking of communication and cultural benefits the list of advantages is abundant, especially today when the world is so well communicated through the technology and the media transportation. The study of other language gives the perspective and understanding of other cultures and traditions around the world. Furthermore, worldwide business requires more and more professionals that are proficient in more than one language. There is a big debate among educators and politicians on the best way to introduce the second language to the children. This has been especially important in some USA regions where the Spanish Latin American children are migrants with no previous knowledge of English and attending school with no understanding of the language. The main debate in this aspect goes to which is the fastest and better way to teach the English language to the non-speaking migrant children. There are There are different approaches to face this learning process, and the bilingual method of having both, first and second language simultaneously vs. only English, are the most important ways to consider. The bilingual method of having first and second language simultaneously has different ways to be implemented, according with the program on which the children are exposed. Some have different percentage of hours with the first and second language, equal number of hours in both, or only some classes in both languages. The second method, on which the only one allowed in the classes is English, has the first language only for clarifying some concept, but the final reply from the student must be in English. This second approach is the one that is more controversial in some USA states. More specifically, the states of California, Arizona and Massachusetts have passed a policy requesting that migrant children should be taught English by being taught in English using the all English approach of Structured English Immersion (SEI) program (MacSwan & Pray, 2005). The politicians that support this policy are convinced that young immigrant children can learn very fast a second language (English in this case) if they are heavily exposed to the language at school. The ambition of SEI program is to allow the children to become capable and skillful enough in English to do well in all classes and social opportunities. The skills taught through this approach include reading, writing, listening and speaking. In this program it is expected that teachers are able to understand the first language of the child, as a way of clarification and/or interpretation of key concepts. The child is also allowed to address the teacher on his/her first language, but the final answer or reply must be in English (English First
Monday, October 28, 2019
African Allele Essay Example for Free
African Allele Essay It is a fact that Central Africa is a rural area while the United States is highly urbanized. This means that diseases are more prominent in the African territory, one of which is the malaria. This widespread illness caused evolution to favor a type of change in the human body to protect it from the deadly virus. This protection is the heterozygous make up of the hemoglobin gene, where one allele is the abnormal one that causes sickle-cell anemia. When comparing three types of persons, one with homozygous normal alleles, another with a heterozygous pair, and finally one with a homozygous pair of abnormal alleles, those with the heterozygous pair would have the greatest chance of surviving the conditions of Africa. Having a pair of normal alleles would not save a human from malaria infection, and having a pair of abnormal alleles would cause sickle-cell anemia that can also kill the patient. Thus, in places such as Africa, the population has quite a number of people having the heterozygous hemoglobin gene. The lower number of sickle-cell allele carriers in the United States can be attributed to two main reasons. First, malaria is not as prominent in the United States as it is in Africa. People then did not adapt that much and this abnormal allele haven’t evolved that much. Another is the intermarriage between Africans and Americans. If an African, who carries the sickle-cell allele, would marry an American having a homozygous healthy gene, their children would only have a 50% chance of getting that trait, as compared to an African-African marriage (both heterozygous sickle-cell alleles), where the chance of getting the allele is 75%.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
John Steinbecks In Dubious Battle Essay -- Dubious Battle John Steinb
John Steinbeck's "In Dubious Battle" Summary This story opens with the main character named Jim Nolan leaving behind his former life and going to meet Harry Nilson, a leader of the "Party." Jim had a father killed in a riot, a mother who died, and a sister that was missing. He wants to join the "Party" because he wants to do something that will give his life meaning. He is accepted, and is introduced to other members of the party. The next day, Jim accompanies Mac McLeod to Torgas Valley to help workers organize a strike against the orchard owners in the valley. They meet a restaurant car owner named Al, who gives them food for free. Jim and Mac get off the train and meet a group of people. They help a woman named Lisa who is in labor deliver a baby. This event is important in the story, because this leads to the trust that Jim and Mac receive from all the other workers. They also meet London, the father-in-law of Lisa, who they will trust to lead the strike that they start. The workers already have a lo w mood, and when an old apple-picker falls out of a tree, the workers no longer wish to work in concern of their health. The workers start to strike, and assemble on the land of Al’s father, in exchange for picking his crop for free. London is charismatic, and takes the ideas from Mac to lead the strike. What will be the fate of the strikers, and what will Jim accomplish with his newly acquired skills? Sketch 1 Jim Nolan is a character who has always been angry at some type of institution throughout his life, which causes him to join the "Party." He is young, and goes from being an apprentice to a leader. He is keen and brave, which emanate from his innate leadership ability. Sketch 2 Mac McLeod is a seasoned veteran of the "red" work, as he knows more about fieldwork than anyone else does. He is an older character, who has broad shoulders, long arms, and dried and cracked lips. He uses his experience to lead and organize the men that he works with. Sketch 3 Joy is an enforcer who contributes to the "Party" by sacrificing his body in taking chronic beatings. He is a short man with a disfigured face. He is typified by some as not too bright and insane by others; he is very pugnacious, as he is willing to fight anyone. Sketch 4 London is a working stiff who is able to command... ... book included the strikers’ raid on the replacement workers, for it illustrated the roles of the different groups involved, such as the police, the vigilantes, the strikers and the scabs. Another intense portion of the book was that of the strikers’ raid on the apple orchard in which they attacked their replacements, for it showed the type of brutality that the strikers could carry out to send their message. The scene where Mac tortures a young boy who was caught around Anderson’s barn when it was set on fire is also a very intense scene. The aspect of the book that I did not care for was that of their being no explanation of what happened after the strike was resolved. It would have been interesting to learn about the type of effect that the strike had on the people, as well as what type of change occurred among them. Because of the interesting perspectives that this book provides, I would recommend that others read it. I would especially recommend this boo k to those who do not fully understand the power of the group and how it can be manipulated by its leaders, because the book goes into great detail of how this is accomplished. I would give this book a four star rating ****.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Lord of the Flies Lit Analysis Essay
Do novels have a deeper meaning to them than what the author writes? Golding reflects the two sides of human nature in â€Å"Lord of the Flies†by using imagery. Imagery is conveyed to develop the hidden meanings of human nature through the use of specific references through the themes of light and dark imagery. Golding conveys dark imagery throughout the novel by making references to evil. From the beginning of the novel the author introduces to the reader that something sinister is impending. He uses specific language to show the reader that the boys are like approaching animals, â€Å"Within the diamond haze of the beach something dark was fumbling along†(LOF 20). The choir in a way symbolizes a militaristic group being described as a â€Å"party of boys, marching approximately in step in two parallel lines and dressed in strangely eccentric clothing†(LOF 20). It is evident that the choir is evil because the book is written in the World War II period and it is likely that the choir symbolizes the Nazi Party which many people would be able relate them too animals or savages. Imagery is often developed when characters in the novel are savage like. Dark imagery reveals the character Jack to be evil when, â€Å"He passed like a shadow under the darkness of the tree and crouched, looking down at the trodden at his feet†(LOF 53). Jack is being compared to an animal trying to hunt down his prey while crouching down. Again we can compare him to Hitler who was the leader of the Nazi party as Jack is the leader of the evil boys on the island. The darkness on the island spreads to every boy like it is within everyone. â€Å"Darkness poured out, submerging the ways between the trees till they were dim and strange as the bottom of the sea†(LOF 62). Before the boys got on the island it was a peaceful island, by acting like savages they spread darkness on the island, which is the evil in each and every one of them. The darkness was submerging or killing any goodness on the island. This is a relevant comparison to the war as well as it killed hope in good people specifically the Jews who were persecuted by another group of people who thought they were better. As darkness overtook the island it also over took Europe during the dark times of World War II. Thus, dark imagery is used to show men can be evil human beings. Golding uses light imagery over the course of the novel to symbolize civilization over savagery. Light imagery is often shown when something good or hopeful is going to occur. The boys make a signal fire in hopes that they will be rescued, â€Å"The flame nearly invisible at fist in that bright sunlight, enveloped a small twig, grew, was enriched with color and reached up to a branch which exploded with a sharp crack†(LOF 45). The fire is a symbol of civilization and hope that they will get rescued which is shown through the imagery used in the quote. The comparison can be made to the civilized people during WW11. They behaved in a way that was good and moral. The English boys on the island are trying to maintain civility by doing things like making a fire. Light imagery is illustrated by portraying Simon with goodness. When he is described Golding uses a lot of light imagery, â€Å"The water rose further and dressed Simon’s coarse hair with brightness†(LOF 169) . When Golding uses words like bright when describing characters it is often because the character is good and civilized, he is often compared to Jesus Christ. Reference to the saviour is associated with hope. Hope is also something that the victims of the Nazi party had to have in order to survive. At the beginning of the novel Golding uses colors and light to describe the character of Ralph as, â€Å"All the shadows on Ralph’s face revered; green above, bright below from the lagoon. A blur of sunlight was crawling across his hair†(LOF 16). Golding uses these colors to describe Ralph because he was one of the more civilized boys on the island. The comparison here can be made to describe Ralph as being good and bright and full of light and Jack as the opposite is dark and evil. To end, it is evident that light imagery symbolizes civilization. The two sides of human nature are evident with the use of dark and light imagery. Imagery is used as a compelling literary technique illustrating how light and dark translates into good and evil. The use of foreshadowing is an indicator of things to come, which was used as an effective tool when referring to light and dark imagery.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
I can not help but wonder why they would do this to me. I have been at peace with these humans for many years
For 300 years I have guarded my treasure. My family and I had taken it from a human's town that we once fumed upon. I took my share and placed it on the upland heath concealed in a barrow. No man should have seen it or even caught a reflection of these jewels sparkling in the light of the sun. I was isolated from this world because of what I am, the fire-drake, they call me. When Hygelac was king I did not bother his people often, even when the new ruler came to power for 50 years I did not bother his kingdom. A dirty human then snatched one of my treasure pieces right out of the barrow. The day I came back to my lair I knew something was missing. The precious cup made of gold and jewels had disappeared. Angry and full of rage I set forth to seek out the wretched thief, while returning to my barrow numerous of time to see if my eyes had deceived me. The gold treasure-cup was still no where to be found. I will burn them all to ashes. The fury that I possessed was uncontrollable. I could feel the anger slowly making its why through my body, and until I found the thief I was going to contain it. There were so many of these creatures how was I to know which one had my treasure-cup. They are all alike it does not matter who stole my gold treasure-cup. †Do not think to start anything with these humans Draco,†I turned around to see that it was my father and the leader of my kind, Drace. †You do not understand. I will not let these so called humans take advantage of me.††It was just one golden treasure-cup that is all!†Why is Drace not agreeing with me? †It is that it was my treasure-cup and they came and bothered me first!†I roared back. †You are on your own then. For if one gold treasure-cup is worth starting a war over then so be it! But let this be known that I will not help you in any way. This is your battle. But let me also warn you of a man called, Beowulf, for he is unlike the rest of their kind.†With that, Drace left, and I was alone once again. The fact that my family was not on my side did not help the fact that I wanted to conceal my anger until the right time. I went out and nearly burned everything to the ground. That was my big mistake for now my barrow was now visible to any eye. I knew that they would soon come after me. I knew that some of these humans were not cowards. I began to prepare myself for the upcoming battle. I did not have much to fear, for my breath could do more harm than all of their swords combined. It still would have felt good to know that I had my family behind me. Shhh.. What was that? I know that they could not be coming for me so soon. Sweat begins to pour from his pores. I must remember that they are only humans. As the barbarians moved up the mound towards me I could see their leader very clearly. For he walked with his head high and look the strongest of all. This must be the man, Beowulf, that my father was talking of. But something about him caught my eye, why he did not look his age, but in his eyes I could tell that he had gone through many winters. Gaining back my confidence I proceeded upon them. Ha! Look at that old fool. Does he really believe that he can defeat me. The leader prepared himself for battle by putting up his shield. Ha! That shield will not protect you old fool. The man Beowulf swung his sword and I roared as it made contact with my body. The strength of this blow was something that I had never felt before. I was sure I had been wounded, but as I look not even a scratch was on me. I'm invincible! The look of shock replaced the courageous expression Beowulf once had. I enveloped him with a huge flame of fire I produced at that exact moment. The other humans with him ran off like cowards towards safety. The leader was left there fighting off the flames. I stopped in rejoiced in my glory, but the second I was going to end his life, the only noble warrior of his pushed him out of my grasp. This man was trying to save his leaders life. He was whispering something to him in a language I could not make out. Roar! I rushed at them and through the flame I could see the man protecting his leader. The leader shaking stood up and swung his great sword-blade and hit my head. Staggering, I saw the sword break. Running towards them I sunk my fangs into the throat of the man, Beowulf. As I turn I felt the blade of another sword. This time there was pain. The other man had drawn his sword upon my body and I was wounded. My vision began to fail and in pain I try to gather my strength back. Beowulf removed an object from his corselet and sharp sensations overwhelmed me.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Determinism essays
Determinism essays The modern philosopher in the quotation argues that Modern science is experimental because it uses the experiment to understand nature. According to him, this is true because nature can be explained by the cause-effect relationship. Modern science uses the experiment to prove events that are assumed to be true in advance. Before conducting the experiment we have assumptions or a theory in mind and we conduct experiment to prove them to be true. The theory itself, determines which experiment should be used and which results will be obtained. We get some results after experimenting, those results feed our theory. Based up on these theories we create new assumptions and from these assumptions a new theory is formed . Again to prove that newly formed theory we conduct experiments according to its own assumptions. Experiment turns into job of looking for answers to questions which come from the theory. Moreover those questions are dependent on assumptions. So we find ourselves in a cir cular reasoning when we are doing experiments. Here, experiment is done to confirm theory. There is no new innovation, we do experiment for finding out whats already there. Therefore, when the writer says experiments are set up for the sole purpose of asking whether and how nature follows the scheme preconceived he shows that he is a determinist and proves that there is a circular reasoning. Because in determinism events are determined by the former events, the pattern is determined. However this logic represents a basic limitation in the scientific description of nature because it excludes the chance factor, flexibility. Nature is not just a cause and effect relationship. To understand why this logic is a limitation to modern science we should examine what are the rules of this philosophy. In determinism the nature is seen as a closed system. In that closed system every event is the effect of the preceding one and at the same time c...
Monday, October 21, 2019
All Harley Davidson customers Essays
All Harley Davidson customers Essays All Harley Davidson customers Essay All Harley Davidson customers Essay The purpose of this research is to analyze and understand the strategy that Harley Davidson has been using in order to success and overcome its competence like Sukiyaki, Honda, Yamaha and Ducats. Also, the reader will be able to make a competitive force analysis and identify all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats Harley Davidson could have on a worldwide market. Today, motorcycle industry has been very competitive since each brand has invested a significant amount of money in order to perform their rides and get a better comfort for the selected customers. In addition, motorcycle industry has been studying customers needs so they know exactly where investigate to perform or optimize certain components of the motorcycles to get a better handling and enjoyable trip. All of these specifics aspects have to been analyze by the company in order to be better than the competence. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to study and understand the strategy Harley Davidson used to success over other brands around the world. Moreover, a SOOT analysis will be perform in this paper, so the reader can identify all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats can occur in a worldwide market. In 1983, Harley Davidson launched a marketing campaign called supersede in which the company invited people to use a Harley Davidson motorcycle. More than 45 000 potential new clients accepted the invitation, and it was a success because the clients bought a motorcycle during the event. Also, they (the customers) were saying that they were not buying or acquiring Just a new motorcycle; they were buying and experimenting The Harley Davidson experience. Besides, during the event Supersede Harley Davidson was offering a one-year free membership to a local group of motorcycles. The membership was very tentative because the clients were going to received motorcycle news, magazines, insurance, maintenance, hotel discounts, medical assistant, travel assistant, etc. All of these discounts and offers influenced into the customers to take a decision in order to choose to buy a Harley Davidson motorcycle. Another strategy that was used by Harley Davidson was the utilization of its motorcycles on Hollywood movies. How can this be a strategy? First, the people who attached a movie where a Harley Davidson was used get hooked by all the abilities and skills the driver had even though they were special effects or they were not true. Therefore, if a person who wants to buy a motorcycle and he or she were deciding which brand were better, watching that movie made an influence on the decision. Second, the objective of using brands during a movie, in this case Harley Davidson, is a big promotional because a lot of people watch the movie and they will start talk about them after the film. Moreover, one of the principal strategies of Harley Davidson is to increase the tortes in different cities, so the customers or possible future clients can know and drive the motorcycle. For instance, this year, Harley Davidson will open 9 branches in Mexico; these are Tailcoat, Quarter, Merriam, Monterrey, Thereon, Occurrence, Clinical, Immemorial and Tamping. Analyzing these branches, all of the cities are spread around the country, so the people get familiarized with the brand. Being a worldwide company brings a lot of competence around the world. In order opportunities and threats a company might have. Consequently, this research will conduct a SOOT analysis so the reader can analyze and comprehend how Harley Davidson has been doing to success. HARLEY DAVIDSON STRENGTHS In order to detect all of the strengths that Harley Davidson could have considering its competitors, it is necessary a depth analysis and research. The top five most important strengths Harley Davidson could have against its competitors are the following: Harley Davidson Strengths Aggressive Marketing Strategies Customers loyalty Strong financial position Social clubs around the world Reputation The first strength to be discussed is the aggressively of marketing strategies that Harley Davidson has had. The company has been taking advantage of its marketing tragedies to overcome its competitors. The fact that Harley Davidson offered a one- year free membership with different promotions like discounts in different places, different type of assistance, maintenance, etc. As a very good idea to attract the public attention. Second, the loyalty of the public to the brand is a strength that Harley Davidson should take into consideration in order to contrast the competence. Asker (1991) defines brand loyalty as symbolizes a constructive mind set toward brand that leading to constant purchasing of the brand over time. Asker (1991) also a rgues that rand loyalty is an essential element when it comes to evaluate a brand in terms of value because loyalty can generate profit (Severe, Refer, Seek Chon Ling, 2013, p. 125-137). Consequently, Harley Davidson should not be very confidence that the loyalty would help the company always. The company must take into consideration the customers opinion, the feedback, in order to create a better motorcycle and get a better performance on its product. The results provide evidence to indicate that a stronger financial position in a previous year is significantly associated with better safety performance in a bequest year (Britton, Roding A, Coors Thomas, 2010, p. 42-51). Harley Davidson has been in a very good position since the asss due to its reputation and investments. Tricycles, the motor noise (one of the characteristics of the brand), the power or the motor, etc. The last strength that can be mentioned about Harley Davidson could be tat the company is taking care about the quality of the product. According to Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Since 1989, the company has spent approximately $80 million on new product-enhancing equipment. This 90 ,000-sq. Ft. Ant center will enable workers to double the capacity of the old paint facility (Unknown, 1992, p. 308).
Sunday, October 20, 2019
8 Great Writing Tips for Kids
8 Great Writing Tips for Kids 8 Great Writing Tips for Kids 8 Great Writing Tips for Kids By Ali Hale I’m 33 now (which feels very old!) but I’ve loved writing since I was a kid myself. The very first story I remember writing was about a mouse, when I was five or six. I spent a lot of time writing stories throughout my childhood, and I had a go at my first novel when I was thirteen. Writing has always been one of my favourite things to do and for the last ten years, it’s been what I’ve done for a living. When I was at school, a lot of the writing I did was as part of my school work. At school, your teachers are probably keen for you to know lots of things about writing – like where to put commas, and what nouns and verbs are, and so on. There are lots of great tips out there about how to get things like that right, and I’ll link to some of those for you in this post. I wanted to focus on some tips, though, about enjoying writing and having fun with it and about becoming a better writer overall (not just a better speller)! Here are my best tips on how to keep growing and improving as a writer, however young you are: #1: Have a go at some writing exercises – you can find lots of these online, or you could have a go at them in workbooks or school books. Lots of adults find writing exercises helpful, too, so that they can get better at writing. You can find some great ones to try here. #2: Read a lot. Almost every writer I know is also a keen reader. Try to read a wide range of different things – like classic story books as well as modern ones, non-fiction (factual) books, magazine or newspaper articles, and so on. You’ll come across lots of different ways to write, and you might learn some new words. #3: Keep a little book of new words you learn. Don’t be embarrassed if you don’t understand a word the first time you read it. Sometimes you can guess from the rest of the sentence what it means, but if not, you can just look it up in a dictionary. You might want to ask an adult how to say the new word, too – you could write down how it sounds. For instance, â€Å"matron†is pronounced â€Å"may-tron†(with a long â€Å"a†sound) not â€Å"mah-tron†(with a short â€Å"a†sound), which is how I thought it was said when I first read it in an Enid Blyton story. #4: Try writing stories for children younger than you, or stories that involve children younger than you. This is a great thing to do when you’re still quite young yourself, because you can remember what it’s like to be six or seven. (Adult writers find it hard to remember, and often they create young children characters who are too babyish for their age.) If you have a little brother or sister, or a younger cousin, you could read your stories out to them. #5: Remember that even adults don’t get things right first time. Sometimes I get a spelling wrong, or I write a sentence that’s confusing for my reader. And I’m a professional writer! It’s fine to make mistakes, so don’t worry about getting everything perfect in your first draft. Just make sure you leave a bit of time to go back and edit afterwards (just like adult writers do) so that you can fix any mistakes. #6: Have a go at different types of writing. When I was young, I like to make pretend magazines or newspapers. That’s something that children have enjoyed doing for a very long time – in one of my favourite classic children’s books, The Story of the Treasure Seekers by E. Nesbit, the children in the story make their own newspaper filled with things they’ve written. Maybe you could have a go at making a newspaper to share with your family and friends – or maybe you’d like to write poetry or a play script, or something else entirely. #7: Keep a journal about your day to day life. There are lots of ways to do this – you could write a sentence or two each day, for instance, or you could write a longer piece once a week. You could write about what you’re learning at school, who your friends are, the games you’ve been playing even what you had for lunch! Details that might seem boring now could be really interesting when you read your journal when you’re 20 or 30 or even 80! #8: Ask for help if you get stuck. If there’s something you don’t understand in what you’re reading, or if you can’t work out if something you’ve written is quite right, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Most adults will be very glad to give you a hand. You could try a teacher, or a librarian (either at your school library or your local library). If you get to meet any adult writers, perhaps through school or at an event, think up some good questions for them too! I hope you have lots of fun with your writing. It can feel like theres a lot to get right, but (outside of school time) the most important thing is that you enjoy writing. I hope the ideas above help you to get even more out of writing. If you’ve got any tips of your own, why not share them with us in the comments? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to use "on" and when to use "in"Broadcast vs Broadcasted as Past Form5 Keys to Better Sentence Flow
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