Monday, September 30, 2019
Think Before You Act
Think Before You Act Everyday someone loses a person dear to them. You never know if it will be your last day here in this world. We all just live day to day and don’t realize tomorrow could be our last. It’s even worse when it could have been prevented. Choices we make can impact our lives and individuals around us. People say things happen for a reason, and that God has a plan for all of us. We won’t know the truth until something tragic happens each of us. June 24, 2011 was the day that I lost a close friend forever. I remember that day like it happened yesterday.You don’t forget days like that when your life changes forever. The night of the accident, a young man decided to leave a bar and drive with his blood alcohol content over three times the legal limit. He ended up driving the wrong way on the highway and collided head-on with another vehicle. Both drivers were pronounced dead on the scene. My friend was a victim of a drunk driver. He graduated f rom high school two weeks before his death. Not even eighteen years old and still had a life to live. Bryant Hernandez was an individual who left a mark on everyone he came in contact with.You wouldn’t think a seventeen year old would have a huge impact on people he came across, but he did. Bryant did everything he could to put a smile on your face. He seemed to always know what to say to cheer you up. I met Bryant when I was a senior in high school. Since I had to have an elective I ended up taking a child development class. Walking through the class I noticed that we were all girls except for one. He was sitting at a table alone and looking very uncomfortable. I would feel awkward to taking a child development class with a bunch of girls.Bryant looked in my direction when I started to approach him. â€Å"Do you mind if I sit with you? †I asked. â€Å"Well you are already sitting down so I guess I don’t have much of a choice. †Bryant said with a smirk on his face. I couldn’t help but laugh. I knew from that moment I was going to like having him in this class. Eventually it turned out to be one of my favorite classes. He was my go to guy for everything. Bryant knew how to make me feel better when things got tough. At the time small things like that weren’t that important.But now I would give anything to go back and cherish those moments with him. It’s been over a year since the accident and I’ve realized choices you make can have major consequences. When I was a teenager I made stupid decisions like the guy who killed my friend. I didn’t think about anyone else. All I cared about was having fun and living in the moment. I didn’t care when people told me not to drive home drunk. Well living in the moment doesn’t get you anywhere. You may get away with it a couple of times but eventually it will catch up to you.After his death I thought a lot about my actions. Watching his parents say there last words to him and how tired they looked, I couldn’t imagine what they went through and what they are still currently going through. I imagined how my parents would react. I can’t help but want to cry. It makes me sick to know how selfish I was when I was younger. Bryant’s death was a wakeup call for me and hopefully several others. Driving drunk will never cross my mind again. With everything I do now I take a moment to think about it and to make sure that it is the right decision to make.I know Bryant is looking down smiling and saying â€Å"About time you changed, you hard headed girl! †My friend may not be here anymore but him passing on made his family and friends realize things you love can easily be taken away from you in a flash. Selfishness is very common and realizing that our actions can affect our own lives and the people we love so dearly. If moments can be prevented then prevent them. Teaching others to think before they act can i mpact a lot of people from making the wrong decisions. In time everyone with have their own personal reality checks some faster than others.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Implementation of Porter Dimond Theory in Beximco
Report On â€Å"Implementation of Porter Diamond theory in Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd†Course Title: International Business Course Code:BUS-302 Semester: Fall’12 PREPARED FOR: Gouranga Chandra Debnath Senior LECTURER, Department of Business Administration FACULTY OF BUSINESS & ECONOMICS (DIU) PREPARED BY: Esteak Ahmed ID: 091-11-809 Contents Chapter 12 Introduction2 Background of the Report:2 1. 5 Overview of the Porter Diamond Theory:4 Chapter 26 2. 2 Firm Structure, Strategy, and Rivalry6 2. 3 Demand condition8 2. 4 Factors of Endowments: (both basic and advance)10 2. Related and supporting industry:12 2. 7 Overall analysis of the company position based on porter’s diamond:13 Log Frame:14 Chapter 316 Conclusion:16 3. 2 Recommendations16 3. 3 References:16 Chapter 1 In an attempt to master and perfect the trade system many research has been conducted and many theories has been proposed. International Trade Theory provides explanations for the pattern of interna tional trade and the distribution of the gains from trade. In an attempt to master and perfect the trade system many research has been conducted and many theories has been proposed.International Trade Theory provides explanations for the pattern of international trade and the distribution of the gains from trade. Introduction Background of the Report: For thousands of years humans are involved in trade and always tried to perfect this system. In an attempt to master and perfect the trade system many research has been conducted and many theories has been proposed. International trade theory provides explanations for the pattern of international trade and the distribution of the gains from trade.The theory convinces most economists of the benefits of liberal trade. But many non-economists oppose liberal trade. Opponents include some who may have encountered trade theory but nevertheless fall prey to fallacious reasoning. Porter diamond theory is an attempt of Professor Porter to expla in the apparent relationship of international trade and other components of a country. Apparently pharmaceutical sector is technologically the most developed manufacturing industries in Bangladesh and the third largest industry in terms of contribution to government’s revenue.Porter Diamond theory can be implemented to a company of this sector to understand the prospects, potentials, and problems of this sector. 1. 1 Purpose Of The Report: The purpose of the report is to implement the porter diamond theory in the Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd Company of Bangladesh and to understand the problems, prospects and potential of this company. 1. 3 Methodology: Secondary data are used to analyze the implementation of the Porter Diamond Theory. 1. 4 Objective of the study The objectives of this study are- * To find out whether all the element of Porter’s diamond are available in the company. To find out our company’s current condition in the market and also the opportuniti es and prospects. * Porter Diamond Theory is the result of an intensive research conducted by Michael Porter and his team on 100 industries of 10 nations. For Porter the essential task was to explain why a nation achieves international success in a particular industry. Pharmaceutical industry contributes the 1% of the total GDP of Bangladesh. Porter Diamond Theory is the result of an intensive research conducted by Michael Porter and his team on 100 industries of 10 nations.For Porter the essential task was to explain why a nation achieves international success in a particular industry. Pharmaceutical industry contributes the 1% of the total GDP of Bangladesh. To analyze the current situation of the rivals * To discuss the demand condition & customer base 1. 5 Overview of the Porter Diamond Theory: Porter Diamond Theory is a creation of Michael Porter of the Harvard Business School. In 1990 he published the result of an intensive research effort that attempted to determine why some nations succeed and other fail in international completions.Porter and his team looked at 100 industries of 10 nations. Like the work of new trade theorists, Porters work was driven by a belief that the existing theories of international theory told the half of the story. For Porter the essential task was to explain why a nation achieves international success in a particular industry. Porter argues that four broad attributes promote or impede the creation of competitive advantage. These attributes are: * Factor of Endowments * Demand Condition * Relating and Supportive Industries. * Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry.Porter maintains two additional variables that can influence international business: * Government * Chance 1. 6 Overview of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Bangladesh: Pharmaceutical sector is technologically the most developed manufacturing industries in Bangladesh and the third largest industry in terms of contribution to government’s revenue. The industry co ntributes about 1% of the total GDP. There are about 250 licensed pharmaceutical manufacturers in the country; however, currently a little over 100 companies are in operation.It is highly concentrated as top 20 companies produce 85% of the revenue. According to IMS, a US-based market research firm, the retail market size is estimated to be around BDT 84 billion as on 2011. Bangladesh pharmaceutical companied focus primarily on branded generic final formulations, mostly using imported APIs (Active Pharmaceuticals Ingredient). Branded generics are a category of drugs, including prescription products, that are either novel dosage forms of off-patent products produced by a manufacturer that is not the originator of the olecule, or a molecule copy of an off-patent product with a trade name. About 85% of the drugs sold in Bangladesh are generics and 15% are patented drugs – the structure differs significantly from the international market. Branded generic drugs represent about 25% years. The success of the pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh can be defined by the Porter Diamond Theory. Bangladesh manufactures about 450 generic drugs for 5,300 registered brands which have 8,300 different forms of dosages and strengths.These include a wide range of products from anti-ulcerates, flour quinolones, anti-rheumatic non-steroid drugs, non-narcotic analgesics, antihistamines, and oral anti-diabetic drugs. Some larger firms have also started producing anti-cancer and anti-retroviral drugs. Domestic manufacturers account for 97% of the drug sales in the local market while the remaining 3% are imported. This is a complete turnaround over from two/three decades back when imports are a complete turnaround over from two/three decades back when imports used to dominate the market.The imported drugs include essential live saving drugs and other high quality drugs. The ratio will further increase in favor of the local production as some of the big players are poised to manuf acture these high quality drugs in-house in the future. 1. 7 Overview of the Company: Beximco Pharmaceutical Limited (BPL) is one of the largest pharmaceuticals company in Bangladesh. Beximco Pharma was founded in 1976 and started operations in 1980, manufacturing products under the licenses of Bayer AG of Germany and Upjohn Inc. of USA.It has now grown to become a leading pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh, and it supplies more than 10% of country's total medicinal needs. Today Beximco Pharma manufactures and markets its own branded generics for several diseases including AIDS, cancer, asthma, hypertension, and diabetes for both national and international markets. The company owns and operates modern pharmaceutical factories mainly in Bangladesh and also has a separate division to operate a modern chemical factory which produces and sells basic chemical products. It also has divisions to produce and sell agro vet and pesticide products.Chapter 2 2. 1 Implementation Of the Theo ry As we said before we studied our company based on Porter’s diamond which include four internal factors which are- 1. Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry 2. Demand conditions 3. Factor Conditions (both basic and advance) 4. Related and Supporting Industries And two external factors which influence the factors mentioned above are- 1. Chance 2. Government 2. 2 Firm Structure, Strategy, and Rivalry Our Position in Bangladesh: In Bangladesh there are currently a total of 245 companies out of which 200 have operations in the country.The market is totally dominated by the local companies and there are only 5 multi-nationals currently operating. The 245 companies’ together have5300 brands registered in Bangladesh. Among this companies BPL is one of the leader with almost 8. 4% of the market share. Company (BDT m)| Market Size| Growth in 2011| Market Share| | | | 2010| 2011| SPL Pharmaceuticals | 15,725. 8 | 20. 5% | 18. 7% | 19. 2% | Incepta Pharmaceuticals | 7,851. 5 | 28. 6% | 9. 3% | 9. 0% | Beximco Pharmaceuticals | 7,415. 0 | 30. 5% | 8. 8% | 8. 4% | Opsonin Pharma | 4,275. 4 | 27. 2% | 5. 1% | 4. % | Renata | 4,076. 8 | 26. 1% | 4. 9% | 4. 8% | Eskayef Bangladesh | 3,980. 3 | 18. 9% | 4. 7% | 4. 9% | ACI | 3,578. 2 | 24. 9% | 4. 3% | 4. 2% | Acme Pharmaceutical | 3,500. 7 | 13. 7% | 4. 2% | 4. 5% | Aristopharma | 3,412. 8 | 26. 3% | 4. 1% | 4. 0% | Drug International | 3,070. 2 | 18. 9% | 3. 7% | 3. 8% | Top 10 Companies | 56,886. 5 | 23. 6% | 67. 7% | 67. 7% | Top 20 Companies | 71,382. 5 | 24. 1% | 84. 9% | 84. 6% | Others Companies | 12,661. 6 | 20. 7% | 15. 1% | 15. 4%| Total Sector| 84,044. 1| 23. 6%| | | Source: World Bank Table 1: Major Players In the Market . 2(a) Company structure: BPL gives highest importance to the principles of Corporate Governance and its implementation within the organization. In BPL we follow some rules like: 1. All new recruits at BPL undergo a mandatory training on Company’s Code of Conduct. 2. Fr om the very inception, BPL like the other Strategic Business Units (SBU) of the Group maintains and upholds HR policies that are consistent with the Labor Laws of the country. 3. BPL Pharmaceuticals Ltd leads the Group in encouraging workers’ freedom of association and their right for collective bargaining. . The Company follows laws and encourages a work environment that welcomes diversity and fair treatment in the recruiting process and the workplace. 5. BPL encourages diversity and equal employment opportunity in the recruiting process and the workplace. 6. The Company pursues policies that proactively address all forms of discriminations in terms of minority, gender and cultural issues. 2. 2(b) Company strategy: For years our company’s strategy is to capture the maximum share through customer satisfaction by quality product. In words we put our strategies in this way: 1.In BPL we value, above all, for top quality health care products at the least cos t reaching the lowest rungs of the economic class of people in the country. 2. We are obliged to our shareholders and strive for protection of their capital as well as ensure highest return and growth of their assets. 3. We try hard for best compensation to all the employees who constitute the back- bone of the management and operational strength of the Company 4. BPL endeavor for best co-operation of the creditors ; debtors the banks ;financial institutions, the suppliers of raw material, the providers of utilities- power, gas ; water etc. nd the customers 5. BPL fulfills her responsibility to the Government through payment of entire range of due taxes, duties, and claim to various public agencies. 6. We strive, as responsibilities citizen, for a social order devoid of malpractices, anti-environmental behaviors, unethical and corruptive dealings. 2. 2. b (1) Long term corporate vision: In order to meet increasing demand in the domestic as well as foreign markets, BPL has unde rtaken an ambitious expansion program to be completed in two phases. †¢The first phase, which is already under way, is expected to be completed by 2012at a total cost of BDT 3. billion. We anticipate a 25% cost overrun for a final cost of BDT 4. 5 billion. The first phase is expected to nearly double the current capacity. †¢The second phase will start in 2014, completing in 2017 for a total cost of BDT2. 0 billion (including an estimated cost overrun of 25%). We expect the expansion programs contributing to revenue growth after 2012. We made an assumption that the new plants will operate with an 85% efficiency and after the year of completion, 25% of the capacity will come on line in each of the following four years. Second phase will also do the same. 2. 2. b(2) Financial condition:BPL Pharmaceuticals Ltd (BPL) is one of the two Public Limited Companies of the Group that is listed at the two stock exchanges of Bangladesh. And company’s share is considered as â⠂¬ËœBlue Chip’ at both the stock exchanges. BPL Pharmaceuticals is the stand out market leader with a market share of 19. 3%and domestic revenues of BDT 11. 2 billion in the four quarters from April 2009 to March 2010. Because of its dominating presence throughout the country, BPL has enjoyed steady growth in sales volume. Cost of sales as percentage of sales has also been declining gradually over the year, improving gross margin. . 2(c) Domestic Rivals: As we said before BPL Pharmaceuticals stands at number three in terms of market share of 8. 4% and domestic revenues of BDT 8,860. 3 MM in the four quarters from April 2009 to March 2010. BPL’s nearest competitors are Incepta Pharmaceuticals and SPL Pharmaceuticals with market shares of 8. 5% and 19. 2% respectively. Incepta and SPL had BDT 4. 9 billion and BDT 11 billion in domestic sales for the last four quarters. Although a number of MNCs are operational in Bangladesh, no MNC is among the top ten in terms of dom estic sales.Between two top rivals we consider BPL to be our arch rival though their market share is almost half compared to ours but here we have tried to find out there position in the market. Here’s market study of BPL: If we analyze the present market condition of BPL we can clearly see that it is in a good position. 2. 3 Demand condition In Bangladesh we have huge demand for its products. The demand of local market has helped us to build a strong customer base and gave us the strength to go for international market. The huge demand of our market leaded us to produce large volume of product.The medicines we are producing now are given bellow: 2. 3(a) Products Category: BPL offers a range of pharmaceutical products (400 types of medicine), which include 1. Tablets 2. Capsules 3. Suppositories 4. Injections 5. Liquids 6. Spray, Drops, Ointment, Cream and Powder 7. Oral Dry Powders. 8. Dry Powder Inhalers 9. Metered Dose Inhalers 2. 3(b) Types of Customer: By maintaining the quality we set our price conveniently for the mass population of Bangladesh. We never compromise about our drugs quality thus we acquire the thrust of our customer. 2. 3(c) Present Market status:Besides Bangladesh demand of international market driven us to supply our product in these markets †¢ Europe: UK; †¢ Asia: Afghanistan, Bhutan, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Iraq, Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, The Philippines, Vietnam, Yemen; †¢ Africa: Comoros Islands, Eritrea, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Libya, Malawi, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania; †¢ South America: Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala And these are the market under there exploration: †¢ Asia: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, UAE; Africa: Algeria, Botswana, Central African Republic, Chad, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa; †¢ South America: Jam aica, Chili 2. 3(d) CSR activities: Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is one of the signatory of UN Global Compact in Bangladesh. Our CSR activities helped us to increase our demand. Some examples of our activities are: †¢ BPL supports global business community to uphold social issues in businessoperations and being convinced of the benefits which will accrue out of voluntaryadherence to universally recognized social values in transaction of businesses. †¢BPL regularly interacts with the underprivileged segment of the societydirectly or through different NGOs. †¢ The Company assists the HIV positive/AIDS patients in gaining better access tomedicine through donation of AIDS medicine to local NGOs. †¢ BPL has donated two ambulances to Pabna Municipal Corporation ; IshwardiMunicipal Corporation for public use. 2. 4 Factors of Endowments: (both basic and advance) 2. 4(a) Basic factors: Basic factors like natural resources, climate geography demography everything is in our favor in Bangladesh to produce and provide quality health care. . 4 (b) Advance factors condition: In the discussion bellow we tried to describe the advance factors condition of our company at present. 2. 4. b. (1) R and D department: Beximco has a strong reverse engineering. It has made a collaborative research agreement with Ciba Specialty Chemicals of Switzerland in proprietary research. In formulation R;D, it focuses principally on developing new formulations, predominantly through reverse engineering. BPL also focuses on simplifying manufacturing processes and improving cost efficiency.Its growing innovation is evident from successful launching of a number of cutting-edge products (for example, Oseltamivir capsules for bird ; swine flu treatments, ARVs, anti-cancer products etc. ) advanced formulations like multi-layer tablets, sustained release formulations, dispersible tablets, chewable vitamins etc. With considerable experience in MDI formulations, BPL’s R;D team has successfully developed a range of CFC-free HFA MDIs. In addition, BPL is also developing a number of APIs to ensure availability of raw materials across the range of therapeutic classes.Beximco Pharma has also signed agreements for collaborative research with leading international API manufacturers to strengthen its API pipeline in order to fully capitalize the WTO patent opportunity. 2. 4. b(2) Human recourse: Strategic Human Resource Development Programs are the energy sources for BPLHR for running towards the peak of success. BPL employs more than 2,400 staff, including over 300 qualified professionals such as pharmacists, chemists, microbiologists, engineers, doctors etc. BPL is the third largest pharmaceutical manufacturing company in Bangladesh with net sales of BDT 4. 7 million, according to the 2009 annual report. We believe in company growth by increasing efficiency level of employees and for that offering excellent environment and support for skill and knowled ge up gradation. Our HR department– ensures the strong supporting role to develop & implement HR policy guidelines for ensuring uninterrupted operation and spontaneous participation to achieve organizational objective as well as fulfillment of employee needs. – maintain an effective way to deal with labor union and still no unrest has been recorded as dispute. 2. 4. b(3) Raw materials:We are proud to say that we are capable of producing raw materials for our own medicines. Some info about our firm’s capability of production is given bellow :(a) API unit: Established in 1992 and commercial production started in 1995. It is presently the largest quality-bulk drugs manufacturer in the country producing international standard bulk pharmaceuticals to satisfy more than hundred pharmaceutical companies throughout the country. b) Factory plants: BPL Pharmaceuticals has invested in state of the art formulation plants aligned to regulated market standards.Four plants base d on the Dhaka site can produce pharmaceutical products to the highest GMP specifications. These four plants are: †¢ General plant (approved by MHRA) †¢ Cephalosporin plant (quality systems aligned to MHRA requirements, plant being prepared for EU regulatory agencies and FDA inspections) †¢ BFS plant (quality systems aligned to MHRA requirements, plant being prepared for EU regulatory agencies and FDA inspections) †¢ Biotech (insulin) plant under construction These plants have been designed by internationally recognized firms and equipped with the best machines that can currently be found on the European and US markets.BPL Pharmaceuticals has also created quality systems and SOPs according to FDA and EU regulatory agencies specifications 2. 4. b(4) Distribution system: It has one of the largest distribution channels in the pharmaceutical industry. The sales force of Beximco, led by a large number of â€Å"medical representatives†, is one of the most aggressive among all local manufacturers. This ensures that BPL’s products always have a considerably large outreach. 2. 4. b (5) Technology: Beximco Pharma has always been a pioneer in adopting innovative technologies that introduced both sophistication and scale in the business processes.The company’s focus on technology is intended to take the company to a standard which would match with other top global generic pharma companies. BPL is the pioneer company from Bangladesh in introducing technology driven (specialty) products in local and international markets. Such specialty products include: – Inhalation aerosols, including Ozone-benign HFA MDIs – Suppositories – Nasal sprays Beximco Pharma has shown its capability in the past by installing state-of-the-art MDI plant and IV fluid plant in collaboration with Pamasol, Switzerland and Pharmaplan, Germany, a sister concern of Fresenius AG, Germany. 2. Related and supporting industry: Related and su pporting industries like Hospitals and health centers Healthcare professionals Insurance and public health bodies Retail pharmacies and stores diagnosticcenters etc are available to support our business firm. In 2006 the total number of hospitals in Bangladesh was 1683. Of these 1683 hospitals, 678 were government hospitals and 1005 were non-governmental 2. 6 The condition of two external factors: Chance and Government: BPL have enough chance and government support throughout our company life. The prove of it is the rate of our market share and growth in our country.Though we have some restriction from government about the advertising of our medicine in the media but except that we have our governments’ full support where we need it. 2. 7 Overall analysis of the company position based on porter’s diamond: Why Beximco Pharma is doing well ? The answer lies in the Porter’s diamond as we can see from our report the entire element that make a successful indust ries are there in the market. It has strong supporting industries that help us to stay firmly in its feet. It has got all the factors endowment both basic and advanced.It got a study demand and customer base. And last but not the list its strategies structure is strong enough to face out rivals bluntly. Though we know BPL got strong competition in the market but the pace they are moving we know we are strong enough to any kind threat no matter from where it’s coming from. Factors of Endowments (both basic and advanced) Factors of Endowments (both basic and advanced) Related and Supporting Industries Related and Supporting Industries Demand conditions Demand conditions Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry Firm Strategy, Structure, and RivalryLog Frame: Intervention Logic| Objectively verifiable indicators| Source of Verification| Factors of Endowments-Basic Factors-Advanced Factors -communication Distribution System -Skill Labor Human Resource-Research -RnD-Technology| -Avail ability ofNatural resources, climate geography demography is in favor. It has one of the biggest distribution systems in Bangladesh. 2,400 staff, including over 300 qualified professionals such as pharmacists, chemists, microbiologists, engineers, doctors etc. Oseltamivir capsules for bird ; swine flu treatments, ARVs, anti-cancer products etc. advanced formulations like multi-layer tablets, sustained release formulations, dispersible tablets, chewable vitamins etc. – Inhalation aerosols, including Ozone benign HFA MDIs – Suppositories – Nasal sprays-Installing state-of-the-art MDI plant and IV fluid plant in collaboration with Pamasol, Switzerland and Pharmaplan, Germany, a sister concern of Fresenius AG, Germany. | World BankAnnual Report 2011Annual Report 2011Annual Report 2011Annual Report 2011| Firm Structure, Strategy, and Rivalry-Structure-Strategy-Rivalry| Corporate Governance -mandatory training on Company’s Code of Conduct. BPL like the other St rategic Business Units (SBU-collective bargaining. -diversity and fair treatment in the recruiting process -diversity and equal employment opportunity-Top quality health care products at the least cost reaching the lowest rungs -Highest return and growth of shareholders assets. -Best compensation to all the employees. -Best co-operation of the creditors ; debtors the banks ;financial institutions. -Supporting the Government through payment of entire range of due taxes, duties, and claim to various public agencies-Rivalry among existing firms is intense. Incepta Pharmaceuticals and SPL Pharmaceuticals with market shares of 8. 5% and 19. 2% respectively. | Annual Report 2011World Bank| Demand Condition| -Huge demand of local market -large volume of product -Range of pharmaceutical products and 400 types of medicine. -Maintaining the quality setting the price conveniently. Exports: Europe: UK;Asia, Africa, South America| World Bank| Related And Supportive Industries| In 2006 the total number of hospitals in Bangladesh was 1683. Of these 1683 hospitals, 678 were government hospitals and 1005 were non-governmental. Wikipedia| Chapter 3 Conclusion: BPL Pharmaceuticals Ltd, as part of a progressive business group, believes that the advancement of good health occurs not only through the innovation, production and distribution of its products, but also through the creation and preservation of a healthy environment. Transparency is a core value of BPL Pharmaceuticals Ltd and other SBUs of the Group and is strictly followed at every step of the business process. BPL Pharmaceuticals Limited has extended her range of services towards the highway of global market.We believe the way we are leading towards our goal soon we will be known as one of the top leading pharmaceutical company on the world 3. 2 Recommendations After analyze the whole report we can recommend that – †¢ We have to give more emphasis on the technological support to compete in global market because after 2016 the TRIPS agreement will expire. †¢ Should pursue the government to established export cell to promote export of pharmaceuticals to grab and capitalized the huge export opportunity in LDCs. †¢ R;D activities of the company have to be improved if it wants to compete with global players. Patent Law, which is valid up to 2016 for Least Developed Countries like Bangladesh. After 2016 the advantage enjoyed by Bangladesh will evaporate so to face that condition we have to prepare our selves. †¢ Though we have our own API plant still we have to import the API equipment’s but we should try to produce our own API requirement. 3. 3 References: We used these references to prepare our study: †¢ International Business by Charles W. L. Hill †¢ www. BPLpharma. com. bd †¢ www. beximco – pharma . com .World bank
Saturday, September 28, 2019
An example of community engagement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
An example of community engagement - Essay Example However, for purposes of this paper, the example that is going to be given emphasis is a case study of Ethiopian youth participation in a national HIV/Aids program. The project had the objective of planning the actions needed to address the menace of HIV/AIDS (Communities Scotland, 2012). The initiative employed a participatory, learning and action paradigm with 51 young people being chosen to facilitate the process. They then identified youth groups and networks in every region and held workshops and interviews. After this was accomplished, three-day long National Youth Conference was held, in which volunteer participants attend the event. The Youth Charter was launched on a one-day event (Communities Scotland, 2012). This example of community engagement had a number of strengths. To begin with, the approach created youth ownership of the process. In addition, it developed knowledgeable, vigorous youth stakeholders in the realm of sexual health. It also built youth capability to act in response to HIV/AIDS in an effective manner (Communities Scotland, 2012). Despite these strengths of the initiative, the project had a number of limitations. For instance, it required a lot of time, and this may be a limiting factor because many youths may be busy with studies. In add ition, support from experts in the field of sexual health would also have been a welcoming idea, but appeared to be lacking in the project Communities Scotland. (2012). Youth participation in a national campaign: involvement in the HIV/AIDS program in Ethiopia. Retrieved on 4th May, 2012 from
Friday, September 27, 2019
Understanding the Implications of Finance as a Resource Within a Assignment
Understanding the Implications of Finance as a Resource Within a Business - Assignment Example Understanding the Implications of Finance as a Resource Within a Business The banks and the individuals willing to start the start will move in a contract where the individuals agree to pay installments on monthly basis. The bank will also charge interests for the loan amount. The source of finance with the usual payment period of more than 15 years is regarded as the long term loan. This kind of loan is generally required for the expansion processes or buying a fixed asset. This kind of loan can be achieved from financial intermediaries. A fixed interest rate generally higher than the interest rate on bank loan is accrued in this type of loan. It is required to pay monthly instalments as well as the fixed interest rate. Another source of finance is the short term loan. This type of loan comprises of loan for short periods usually within 5 years. The financial intermediaries have the ability to provide such kind of loans and the contract requires the one taking the loan to pay the principle along with the agreed interest within the specific time period. Ba nks provides overdrafts and charge for its services (Hennessy and Whited, 2007, p. 1). The bank of England sets the rate of interest at which it provides loan to the financial institutions. The interest rate has the potential to affect the interest rates of the commercial banks, the prices of the financial assets and the rate of exchange which can affect the consumer as well as the business demand. Another mode of raising finance is retained earnings. The retained earnings can be increased by generating increased sales which will shed its impact on the profit level and can also be reinvested into the operations of the business (Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations, n.d.). Explanation of the importance of financial planning Financial planning can be studied from both, individual point of view or from the point of view of a company. From the point of view of the individual, financial planning can be thought of as an integrated approach to ensure the well being of th e individual under consideration (Diatax, n.d.). The importance of financial planning lies in the success of a business. For a company, financial plan refers to primarily to three financial statements i.e. balance sheet, income statement as well as the cash flow statement. The financial plan is created with the plan of the business and it can also refer to the projected income or expenditure for a division of a company or the company itself. The decision regarding the processes of cash flow and the estimation of total cash requirements is also taken into account in the financial plan. Financial planning acts as the backbone of a business and if any company operates without any financial planning it is likely to end up in financial distress or financial grip. If the company runs of the roadmap of solid financial foundation it is assumed that the organization will be able to provide a good act in the realm of payable accounts. The financial planning is helpful for the financial analys ts to withstand the harder times and take advantage of the good times. A good and proper financial planning paves the way for the company when to deal with the outstanding debt as well as the rise in the operating costs. Every company should have a planned financial plan in order to anticipate the conditions of the future. The financial pla
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Leadership, Teambuilding, and Communication Essay
Leadership, Teambuilding, and Communication - Essay Example These three characteristics are therefore an essential part of an organization, and from their study, one can come up with a conclusive understanding of an organization’s performance. This essay takes a look at some of the organizational behaviors at Apple Inc. The company has been a complete success to the extent of being a team leader in its line of production. Apple Inc. itself, however, has had a unique organizational behavior since its formation to its present status. This unique trend has been especially in terms of leadership, which has been attributed largely by the number of times the company has had to change its leaders in order to be able to reach a suitable leader and to deliver the company’s objectives. The following analysis gives an inside look into Apple Inc.’s organizational behavior focusing on the leadership trends, teambuilding activities, and communication level. Leadership theories and interpersonal forms of power at Apple Inc. Appleâ€℠¢s organizational behavior Right from its inception into the technology business, Apple Inc. has had a historic background in its leadership, leading it to become a market leader in its field. The achievement can only be linked to the organization’s dedication and severity when it comes to leadership. Over many years, there have been a number of developmental changes in the organization’s structure and leadership. The organization’s objective of changing the world through a provision of computers to the masses has led to multiple changes within the company that have either been positive or negative to the company’s growth (Freedman & Vohr, 1991). The company was first under a centralized organizational structure in 1983, being run by its co-founder Steve Jobs and CEO Markkula. Under this structure, authority was restricted only to higher levels of leadership which were all under Markkula (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, & Uhl-Bien, 2010). At its early stage, the organization was made up of five product divisions, an additional four divisions offering product support services and other several administrative departments (Freedman & Vohr, 1991). All the divisions and departments reported to Markkula and Jobs; however, this system was not an effective one. This is because, with time, there started to be divisions of interest within the divisions unto which the newly appointed CEO had to carryout re-organization and restructure of the management system (Apple Inc. 2010). Over the years, there have been several changes in the management of the company including the dismissal and re-appointment of the company’s co-founder Steve Jobs. This essay will forego all the changes that took place in the company and concentrate on the leadership of Steve Jobs and his influence over the company during his tenure as the company’s CEO. Traditional leadership theories The traditional leadership theory was first described by Marx Weber (1947). The leadership theory relates to a style that bases its belief in power being bequeathed to a leader as a way of maintaining tradition. According to Chun Hai (2007), Weber gave the characteristics of a traditional leader as: The leader’s followers gain favor in terms of promotions depending on the office politics. The leaders gain followers, owing to the fact that they are in their current position, but not due to their individual charisma. The leaders get
Diagnosis of an infected patient Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Diagnosis of an infected patient - Essay Example The Bacillus is a very resilient bacterium because it can produces spores (actually, oval endospores which are not true spores) which remain dormant over long periods of time and then re-activated whenever the right environmental conditions are present for it to reproduce again. Its spores can theoretically be dormant for many years in the soil but can still infect after a lapse of several decades. Bacillus can be either aerobic (oxygen-reliant) or facultative anaerobic (having ability to be aerobic or not). It is gram-positive when stained although some Bacillus are gram-negative too. Escherichia differs from Bacillus in that it is non-spore forming, gram-negative when it is stained, and it is facultatively anaerobic although it is like Bacillus in being rod-shaped also in form when viewed under the microscope. Many strains under the Escherichia species are known human pathogens which cause many urinary tract infections (UTI) as well as common intestinal ailments like diarrhea and dysentery. However, some strains are beneficial and known also by the alternative living arrangement called commensal which is a relationship between two kinds of organisms where one organism benefits without necessarily harming the other organism. Mycoplasma is the smallest known bacteria and do not have a cell wall which allows it to be flexible enough and take many different shapes, depending on its environment. It is also resistant to most medicinal drugs which specifically target cell walls synthesis like penicillin or antibiotics as its lack of a wall prevents a precise targeting mechanism for a drug to work on it. It is considered as one of the smallest living cells ever discovered and many of its strains are cause of ailments as it is pathogenic and parasitic. Mycoplasma is anaerobic (survives without oxygen) and it is gram-positive when stained. It was mistakenly thought to be a fungus when first
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Analysis of Hamlet Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analysis of Hamlet - Research Paper Example The characters in the story experience a loss and due to this burden of loss, the characters behave in ways they might not have behaved without the occurrence of loss (Rogers 164). The writings inform the audience that these characters are ready to choose any path to obtain vengeance and the creed for vengeance stops them from thinking in a rationale manner and this negatively impacts the moral standings of these characters (Krader 280). For example: when Claudius asked Laertes whether he will only talk about taking revenge or will he actually take revenge, in response Laertes states that he aims at chopping of the throat of his enemy and he wants to conduct that action inside the church. This incident clearly represents the fact that Laertes is very much passionate about seeking revenge that he already has a plan in mind for how to kill and where to kill his enemy. Laertes is so passionate that he is not able to learn the real reason why Claudius is pumping him to take revenge. The main reason due to which Claudius is pumping Laertes to seek revenge is Claudius’ personal interest and not because Hamlet has taken the life of the father of Laertes. This even shows that when an individual is dedicated towards seeking revenge, he fails to take rationale decisions and decisions under the light of ethics and morality. The story even informs the readers that once characters and individuals decide to seek revenge, they continue to destroy the path of ethical and moral behavior. For example: In the literature, Hamlet clearly shows that once the announcement and the decision of seeking revenge are taken, the desire to conduct the act increases. For example: In Act 2, Scene 2 of Hamlet, Hamlet promises on his father’s dead soul that he wants to murder Claudius to attain revenge and he is being pumped by revenge to conduct this act as soon as possible (Shakespeare, 2008). The text even reveals that Hamlet is conducting changes to his mentality for the sake o f attaining revenge; this even reflects the determination within Hamlet to seek revenge. The literature even shows that the desire to attain revenge has diverted him from his ability to think in a moral manner and the literature even reveals that the desire to seek revenge is caused due to ones pride (Anderson 41). The literature even informs its reader that pride is the front seat driver of the behavior to seek revenge and those individuals who are proud are strongly motivated to seek vengeance. The text states that pride precedes moral reasoning and incentives attained from seeking revenge are far greater than the benefits that might be attained through moral reasoning and moral behavior. The text even shows that individuals give greater importance to honor rather than moral reasoning while taking any action. For example: the text states that Fortinbras has to seek revenge from Hamlet because Hamlet killed his father and took over his father’s property and in order to regai n the honor of the family and the property, he has to murder Hamlet and take back the property from Hamlet. Throughout the text one point is clear; the point is that when a loved one is murdered, revenge is obligatory. The text even informs its audience that the feeling of loss is countered through revenge and when individuals have
Monday, September 23, 2019
RHETORICAL ANALYSIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
RHETORICAL ANALYSIS - Essay Example xt of the bumper sticker, and it makes its point plainly and well – the person owning that car clearly does not believe they should â€Å"have to press 1 for English.†It also succeeds in that it draws the viewers attention to a great number of connected ideas that this person probably also believes – things about language rights, (presumably this person does not believe any schools should teach entirely in Spanish, or that the Spanish pledge of allegiance or Spanish version of the Star Spangled banner are acceptable). It uses a small amount of text to clearly annunciate opinions on a variety of views. This bumper sticker also has its failings, however. Firstly, it does not actually make an argument of any sort, but merely states an opinion. A bumper sticker could also say â€Å"I don’t think I should have to stop at a red light†– a clearly ridiculous notion – and carry the same weight because neither provides proof or evidence. Likewise, this bumper sticker is not entertaining. The best bumper stickers provide humour or irony to grab the viewers attention and make them remember the point – this does not. It simply states a point of view with no evidence or
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Structures, Fluid Mechanics, Materials, and Soil Mechanics Math Problem
Structures, Fluid Mechanics, Materials, and Soil Mechanics - Math Problem Example Accordingly, most pretensioned concrete essentials are assembled in a workshop and have to be transported to the building site, which confines their size. Pre-tensioned essentials may be balcony components, floor slabs, beams, lintels, or foundation piles. An inventive bridge-building method by means of pre-stressing is the strained ribbon bridge design.The method I would use to prestress: I would use bonded post-tensioning methodFused post-tensioned concrete refers to the descriptive term for a process of applying firmness after pouring the concrete as well as the curing process (in situ). The concrete is placed all around a plastic, aluminum, or steel curved duct, meant to follow the region where otherwise pressure would arise in the concrete component. A collection of the tendons are fished via the duct and the concrete is drizzled. Once the concrete becomes hardened, the tendons are then tensioned by the hydraulic jacks which react (push) on the concrete associate itself. When th e tendons are all stretched adequately, according to the specifications of the design (see Hooke's law), they are then lodged in position and sustain pressure after the jacks are detached, which transfers the pressure towards the concrete. The channel is then mortared to shield the tendons from decay. This method is normally used to build monolithic blocks for house construction; this normally happens in places where the expansive soils (like adobe clay) generate difficulties for the typical foundation of the perimeter.... Pre-tensioned essentials may be balcony components, floor slabs, beams, lintels, or foundation piles. An inventive bridge building method by means of pre-stressing is the strained ribbon bridge design. The method I would use to prestress: I would use bonded post –tensioning method Fused post-tensioned concrete refers to the descriptive term for a process of applying firmness after pouring the concrete as well as the curing process (in situ). The concrete is placed all around a plastic, aluminum, or steel curved duct, meant to follow the region where otherwise pressure would arise in the concrete component. A collection of the tendons are fished via the duct and the concrete is drizzled. Once the concrete becomes hardened, the tendons are then tensioned by the hydraulic jacks which react (push) on the concrete associate itself. When the tendons are all stretched adequately, according to the specifications of the design (see Hooke's law), they are then lodged in position and sus tain pressure after the jacks are detached, which transfers the pressure towards the concrete. The channel is then mortared to shield the tendons from decay. This method is normally used to build monolithic blocks for house construction; this normally happens in places where thr expansive soils (like adobe clay) generate difficulties for the typical foundation of the perimeter. All strains from periodic expansion as well as contraction of the core soil are reserved into the whole tensioned slab that supports the building devoid of substantial flexure. Post-tensioning is similarly used in the building of several bridges, both following the curing of
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Construct and test an anemometer Essay Example for Free
Construct and test an anemometer Essay Readings 1-5 Results for calculated wind speed The anemometer will be able to measure to a degree of accuracy of two decimal places, giving it a resolution of 0. 01ms-1. This is because the least certain measurement of distance, the diameter of the anemometer was measured to two decimal places. This therefore restricts the accuracy of the anemometer to two decimal places when calculating wind speed. A calibration curve for potential difference against speed is now possible: When taking my results, I may find that I encounter wind speeds of over 2. 51ms-1. I predict that as the potential difference in mV increases, so will the rpm in a directly proportional manner, above 160 rpm. 80mv means an rpm of around 155 and a wind speed of 2. 51ms-1. The value for the rpm is the calculated mean from the 5 results taken. I can assume that for the amount of voltage involved in this practical, the relationship between rpm and speed will remain linear. Therefore, I am going to extrapolate the calibration curve, to give me values for wind speed that relate to higher potential differences being obtained. There will be a point where the relationship between the p. d and rpm will become non-linear. But I do not think that with the wind speeds I will encounter, this limit will be reached. An example of the kinds of rpm involved when the relationship between voltage and rpm may not be linear is when a similar type of motor is used in a motorised milk whisk, or model train. Both these motors are powered by 3v dc. This is a potential difference 75 times greater than produced by the motor turning at an average of 73 rpm. A wind speed 75 times greater than the wind speed for an average of 73 rpm is 89ms-1; this is around 200mph. This is very unrealistic, and the anemometer would not survive in such conditions. Therefore, I estimate that I will only encounter wind speeds at most, up to 18ms-1 (40mph). Up to this point I would suggest that the relationship between the potential difference and rpm would remain linear enabling me to calculate wind speed for potential differences of over 80mV. Results The table above shows the results obtained measuring the wind speed. I encountered several problems during the taking of the results. To obtain different potential differences, I needed to obtain different wind speeds. To do this I went to the sea front, and found different points along the sea front where the wind was blowing at different speeds. It was very difficult to accurately obtain a potential difference exactly equal to those recorded for long enough to read off the value for the datum at the same time. The wind source during the calibration was constant, and therefore fluctuations in the potential difference were minimised. As wind is not at all constant the task of recording the results was made harder. To record the results necessary to determine the accuracy of the anemometer, I found different wind speeds along the sea front and as accurately as possible gained a potential difference as close to those stated in the table. At the same time I measured the wind speed that created this potential difference using the datum. The results are not consistent with the findings from my calibration. Therefore I am able to analyse these results and the factors which contributed to the inaccuracy of the anemometer that I devised. As I predicted I encountered wind speeds fast enough to produce a potential difference greater than 80 mV. Using calculated data, I would have predicted that the corresponding wind speed was 2. 84ms-1, using values from Appendix 1. In fact using the datum I recorded a wind speed of 8. 20ms-1. The graph shows that the expected values for wind speed, produced from the calibration are all inaccurate. This obviously relies upon the assumption that the datum is accurate, which I can do. The results show that as the potential difference created by my anemometer increases, the inaccuracy increases. Both sets of results are linear showing that the calibration was successful to a certain degree, but now using this data I can analyse and explain why the results I achieved were inaccurate. Although they are inaccurate, they are not anomalous as they follow the predicted pattern. Analysis There were several factors during the calibration that could have led to these inaccurate results. Firstly, when the anemometer was placed in a very narrow wind stream, the returning cups did not have to pass through the same wind which was turning the cups. This means there would have been less air resistance during the calibration than when recording results. Contextually, this means that a potential difference of 50 mV created during the taking of results may correspond to a potential difference of 60 or 70 mV created during the calibration. This agrees with the results recorded, although the degree of inaccuracy is greater than this suggested difference. In actual fact using values from Appendix 1, the potential difference required to produce a wind speed equivalent to that recorded for 50 mV using the datum (4. 72 ms-1) is between 140 and 150mV. Another factor to suggest that the absence of air resistance during the calibration had an effect can also be seen on the graph. The inaccuracy of the results increases as the potential difference increases. This can also be explained using the same idea. During the calibration, a potential difference of 50 mV was calculated to correspond to a wind speed of 1. 51 ms-1; this means the returning cups were not encountering the resistance created by this corresponding wind speed. This can be compared to a potential difference of 80 mV where a corresponding value of 2. 51 ms-1 was calculated. The returning cups would therefore not be encountering a greater air resistance (because of the faster wind speed), increasing the inaccuracy of the results. The main factor that contributed towards the inaccuracy of the results, which encompasses the previous explanation is the inefficiency of the anemometer. As the winds energy was transferred from linear kinetic energy, to rotary kinetic energy (through the centre axle) into electrical energy (through the motor utilising the generator effect). At each stage energy will be lost, therefore making the values obtained for each rpm inaccurate. The inefficient transfer of energy was caused by several factors; these were friction in the motor, sound created by the turning of the cups, and mainly air resistance. The error seen in the results is a systematic error as all the results were similarly inaccurate; the speed of the cups that was calculated during calibration was slower than the actual wind speed. Obviously the size of error is greater than desirable when making a sensor, but now with this knowledge the results from the calibration could be altered to encompass this systematic error. Another factor that affected the accuracy of the results from the calibration was the inclusion of user error when measuring the time period for x number of flashes. For example, if I measured 40 flashes in 5. 50 seconds, but due to slow reactions or an error the time it took for 40 flashes to be produced was only 5. 30 seconds the difference in the calculated speeds of the cups would be 0. 11 ms-1. Although this is not a lot, it would still have been influential. The success of the anemometer can be measured by analysing its effectivness in meeting the qualities desirable for a good sensor. These include a good resolution, fast response time, low systematic drift or error, appropriate sensitivity and low random variation. The sensor had a relatively fast response time; the potential difference displayed on the multimeter was updated very quickly when a change of wind speed occurred. This made the data collection very different as the value kept fluctuating, although it showed a fast response time in respect of changing wind speed. I was able to reduce the effect that unsystematic random error had upon the results from the calibration by taking the average of the five sets of results. Small unsystematic variations were present in all the readings that I took, but as what I was measuring (thousands of a volt) is a small quantity these small variations had a relatively large affect (this being the sensors sensitivity). The sensitivity of a measuring system is the ratio of change of output to change of input; this is where the sensor became inaccurate as the multimeter did not have a sufficient resolution to create a sensitive enough sensor. The sensitivity was limited, as a very small input was inaccurately converted into a large output. This is why the results were so inaccurate, as the calculations converted very small differences of potential difference containing error (systematic and random) into relatively large values for wind speed therefore amplifying any error that was present in the results. For this same reason, the sensors resolution was limited. In conjunction with a high level of random variation caused by the multimeters insensitivity in measuring such a small amount of potential difference, the smallest degree of potential difference that I could accurately measure was 10 mV; this is ten, one thousandths of one volt. Therefore the resolution of the sensor is around 0. 15 ms-1; this is roughly the wind speed calculated from the calibration results for 10mV. This is irrelevant because of the fact that results can be calculated to 2 decimal places, as I can only be sure of results to the nearest 0. 15 ms-1 due to the sensors relatively large resolution. In comparison, the datum can accurately measure to 2 decimal places, e. g. 2. 42 ms-1. I was able to detect and explain the systematic error due to the fact that my sensor was relatively inaccurate and I had access to a much more accurate sensor designed to measure the same thing. The use of a datum enabled me to effectively analyse my results. Overall to create a more successful sensor, I would need to review the complexity of this sensor and devise a method that reduces the margin for error as the current design encompasses too many opportunities for the results to be affected. Bibliography www. uq. edu. au Picture of Reed switch Advancing Physics AS Institute of Physics Lonsdale Science Revision guide The essentials of OCR science double award. Instrumentation coursework. doc Toby Parnell.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Role Of Patriarchy In Female Characters English Literature Essay
The Role Of Patriarchy In Female Characters English Literature Essay A similarity exists in both the authors writing which is in disagreement to the dominant culture and the standard societal ideas of their time. This is shown by the two modern works which I will be analyzing; Isabel Allendes The House of Spirits and A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen which develop the conflict of gender roles in their works. Both authors use in my opinion an authentic female character(s) and that by the end despite the male domination are able to rebel against societal norm only to be viewed as the protagonist of the play or novel. Allendes novel recounts the story of Estaban Trueba, his wife and children. With the story spanning three generations is off of political corruption, feminine oppression and the movement from old to new. Allende examines and reveals the internal conflict of turmoil, oppression and torture of the female characters in particular. Women have generally been considered silent figures, submissive to the patriarchal powers that govern their society. Neither Allende nor Ibsen attempt to reproduce the culturally ordained silence; instead, both re inscribe female silence as a means for female empowerment which leads to their eventual freedom. The period, in which the novel was written, women were confined by traditional gender roles, with most women performing the work traditionally designated for women: marriage and family, or, if employed outside the home, teaching. Isabel Allende strongly believes that empowerment leads to the strength and freedom of a woman; and these views were shared by Henrik Ibsen as this concept echoes throughout their works. From the early sections of the novel, both Nivea and Clara are involved in the suffragette movement and this was not granted to women until 1949. Their participation in the Suffragette group would have been considered socially unacceptable as the right of voting would only be given to the male members, establishing from the very start that Chile is a patriarchal society. Allende tries to establish that empowerment comes through force of conviction, and uses Nivea as an example to show this. We see that women such as Nivea who have acted against societys norm by fighting for political rights go further than those women who accept their traditional role of subservience and remain staunch in their conservatism. They are shown to finish their days alone and mostly forgotten as is seen with Ferula and Nana. The portrayal of Nivea and her funeral which was attended by many is in direct contrast with that of Nana and Ferula. It is quoted that with Nana None of the many children she had raised with so much love attended her funeral.(P 17). Nana is said to have: been born to cradle other peoples children, wear their hand-me-down clothing, eat their left overs, live on borrowed happiness and grief, grow old beneath other peoples roofs die one day in her miserable little room in the far courtyard in a bed that did not belong to her, and be buried in a common grave in a public cemetery.(P 57) Allende uses Nana to sadly reflect on the women who meekly accept their defined role in society of the time. Allende does not only express empowerment through conviction but also through commercial enterprise as seen with Transito Soto. At the start of the novel Esteban lends her 50 pesos allowing her to seek out a career, but by the end of the novel the tide turns and the arrogant sexist Esteban comes to her to beg a favor. Again, by women taking chances and setting goals and dreams which society restricts them from having end up being successful. Allende shoots her views to the reader through her writing by using these female characters to represent Allendes own brand of feminism. Allende establishes early in her novel that when the family was warned of Claras nine-year silence and psychokinetic skills, Trueba considers the prolonged silencea virtue (88). Such a reading of muted female voice is constant in Latin American culture. However we see that the protagonists of the novel are all women who work in different and subtle ways to assert their rights breaking this silence in an assertive manner to get what they want and need in life. Still, . Clara, Blanca, and Alba remain the focus of the story, while Esteban, Pedro Tercero, and Miguel though the males and automatically assumed superiors of society enter the story only because they are the men those women love or marry. Though they are women and regarded as inferiors to society The House of the Spirits shows that this does not mean that men accomplish things and change things while women do not. On the contrary, the women in The House of the Spirits have a more long-lasting effect and create more drastic changes than any of the men do. This has been done by disapproved behavior such as Nivea and her movement or Transito and the prostitute business while the men lead revolutions that topple governments, those revolutions are themselves quickly toppled. Henrik Ibsens play A Dolls House chronicles the attempts of one woman to find freedom in a patriarchal society. The feminist issues in A Dolls House seem almost contemporary, although it was written more than a century ago. Like Allende Dolls House challenges these patriarchal views and shows the audience a fresh perspective on a womans life. Many women could relate to Noras situation and like Nora, they felt trapped in a dolls house by their husbands and their fathers; however, they believed that the rules of society prevented them from stepping out of the shadows of men. Through this play, Ibsen stresses the importance of womens individuality and like Allende Ibsen uses his characters of the play help to support his strong opinions. Noras initial characteristics are that of a bubbly, child-like wife who is strictly dependent on her husband. This subordinate role from which Nora progresses emphasizes the need for change in societys view of women. For Nora, her inferior, doll-like nature is a facade for a deeper passion for individuality that begins to surface during the play and eventually fully emerges in the ending. An example of this deep yearning for independence is shown when Nora tells her friend, Kristina Linde about earning her own money by doing copying. Nora explains, It was tremendous fun sitting [in her room] working and earning money she says; It was almost like being a man (162) Such comments reveal Ibsens presentation of women to be positive; Nora enjoyed working because it empowered her, and whilst accepting the situations of the time, Ibsen portrays women as active, and struggling in an unequal system. The sheltered, feeble wife proves to be a resourceful masculine life-provider, in literally sav ing Torvalds life. In many instances Nora deceives her husband, even though Nora seeks to be independent, she uses her role of obedience to her advantage and does this by deceiving Torvald into thinking that she can do little on her own, she ensures that he never suspects her of forging her fathers name to borrow 800 cronen from Krogstad in order to save Torvalds life. When Krogstad threatens to expose the truth, Nora must use her craftiness to distract Torvald and sway him into letting Krogstad keep his job. She soon comes to realize the she must take the path that is right for her and no one else. She discovers that Torvald is not the man she thought him to be and that he knows nothing of who she really is. In her sudden awareness, she says to Torvald, you dont understand me. And Ive never understood you until tonight. They have lived as strangers to each other. Noras progression from a submissive housewife to an opinionated, independent woman represents the future progression of women in society. Torvalds role illustrates societys inaccurate perception of women. He sees her only as a one-sided character with little or no opinions of her own. As Nora comments, I came to have tastes as yoursor I pretended to. Noras father also contributes to her oppression. He used to tell [Nora] his opinion about everything, and so [she] had the same opinion. Torvald only continues the behavior that she had come to expect from her father. These male figures in Noras life not only limit her beliefs and actions, but also limit her happiness. Like Allende Ibsen uses Torvalds character, and discards the public view of man to expose a more realistic depiction of male superiority. Ibsen attempts in criminalizing the male protagonist; Torvald, his behavior becomes increasingly more erratic near the plays end, affirming an idealistic self-importance, believing that she has become wife and child to him. Moreover, Torvald exhibits considerable emotional disparity which one may stereotypically associate with women; he becomes angry at Nora for her deceptive act, yet once he appears to be in the clear, he deems his outburst to be a moment of anger. Just as Torvald undergoes an apparent transformation, so does Nora; she proclaims that her leaving Torvald and the children is necessary for her, a notion that is typically assumed by males (to consider ones interests first). To portray Nora as such may not be entirely positive, but it is certainly a contemporary, liberal representation. Overall, we see that Nora is now free from her obligations, and rejects Torvalds further assistance. Moreover, Nora the doll (one whose disposition never changes) now leaves her house, and is free to seek a fuller life as a human being, no longer a malleable doll under the control of her master. No women at the time would have dared to do what Nora has, and just like the characters in Allendes novel it is only by daring or committing actions socially unacceptable like Nora did or even as Nivea displayed that these women can truly feel empowered which leads to their freedom or gain of what they needed. Again Allende and Ibsen reverberates their thoughts through the characters and portray the males as the antagonists of the play which leads to the audience or readers to understand and sympathize with their views that their needs to be a change in the way society views women.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Rships after Downsizing :: essays research papers
ORGANIZATIONAL VIRTUES AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE: RELATIONSHIPS AFTER DOWNSIZING THE PREVALENCE OF DOWNSIZING BEFORE 911  ·Ã‚     Almost all medium and large firms downsized in the last five years. More than 90 percent of firms downsized in the last five years. A large majority downsized more than once in the last ten years.  ·Ã‚     Downsizing is not a one-time action. Approximately 62 percent of firms that downsized two years ago downsized again last year.  ·Ã‚     Downsizing is not motivated solely by bad economic news.      Only 37 percent of firms downsized last year because of economic difficulties compared to 71 percent at the beginning of the 1990s. Only five percent downsized because of decreased market demand.  ·Ã‚     In one third of all U.S. households, a family member lost a job. Nearly three quarters of all U.S. households had a close encounter with layoffs in the last decade. AFTER 911  ·Ã‚     The number of layoffs has equaled the total of all previously announced layoffs for the year. 416,000 lost jobs in September alone. RESULTS OF DOWNSIZING IN AMERICA  ·Ã‚     Fewer than half the companies that downsized between 1990 and 2000 had short or long-term profit increases.  ·Ã‚     Fewer than a quarter reported increases in employee productivity, product and service quality, and shareholder value.  ·Ã‚     Three years after downsizing, the market share prices of downsized companies were an average of 26 percent below the share prices of their competitors.  ·Ã‚     Among companies that downsized, those that laid off the fewest workers exhibited the largest return on assets.  ·Ã‚     Almost all organizations that downsizedâ€â€in the public sector and the private sectorâ€â€experienced an emergence of the â€Å"dirty dozen†as a result of downsizing. THE DIRTY DOZEN Universal Consequences of Downsizing, Trauma, Crisis  ·Ã‚     Centralization  ·Ã‚     The Threat-Rigidity Response  ·Ã‚     Loss of Innovativeness  ·Ã‚     Decreasing Morale  ·Ã‚     Politicized Environment  ·Ã‚     Loss of Trust  ·Ã‚     Increased Conflict  ·Ã‚     Restricted Communication  ·Ã‚     Lack of Teamwork  ·Ã‚     Loss of Loyalty  ·Ã‚     Scapegoating Leaders – Leadership Anemia  ·Ã‚     Short-term Perspective – Resistance to Change THE ABUNDANCE HYPOTHESIS A decade of downsizing research led to the supposition that organizations characterized by virtuous behavior would predict superior performance after downsizing. Impressionistic data led to the presumption that indicators of performance such as employee satisfaction, productivity, quality, organizational innovation, and shareholder value would increase over timeâ€â€and the dirty dozen would decreaseâ€â€in organizations that fostered and facilitated the demonstration of organizational virtues. In fact, a few firms were observed that displayed â€Å"positive deviance,†that is, an affirmative exception to usual organizational behavior. They possessed characteristics that seemed to foster extraordinary value, remarkable performance, and high levels of excellence. Especially on the human dimension, they engendered virtuousness in relationships and in treatment of people. When they downsized they did so with caring and compassion.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Virtual Learning Environments Essay -- Education, Blackboard
Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) are considered to be among the most outstanding, interesting and rapidly developing contemporary computer technologies. It is a package of software systems initially created in order to utilize the advantages offered by the Internet, such as Blackboard and WebCT. It provides a resource for exchanging, transforming and managing information, as well as offering various academic and administrative services, through a group of various tools. These environments are not restricted to e-learning or distance learning. It is also being recognized as the most effective means to support and assist the development of traditional learning and to enrich classroom activities. Furthermore, VLEs have become among the most significant means to achieve and support the philosophy of self-learning in many universities. Consequently, educational institutions and individuals now realize the benefits of using VLEs to reinforce and improve the learning process. Therefore, it is necessary for the learner to master the use of this technology as well as the tutor and it is necessary to use this technology in all aspects of the learning process. In this study I will highlight the purposes of VLEs, then the common tools in VLEs, followed by the advantages and disadvantages for VLEs. Afterward, I will outline the factors that impact in success VLEs and the characteristics of successful online learner. Recently many universities have been using advanced technology in the learning process, as result of the rapidly changing information communication technology (ICT). These changes demand that education institutions use a various tools from ICT world. One of the substantial tools on ICT is VLEs. Currently VLE... ...ccessful VLE, for example, taking into consideration the effectiveness of online learning strategies. Moreover, technical skills are not enough for the tutor experience. It is more important that tutors should develop their pedagogical skills in order to make best use of VLEs. In my point of view, for the success VLEs, the tutor and the learner should play different roles in this issue. They complement each other in succeeding the learning process via VLEs. Therefore, we cannot rely only on the tutor for the success of the learning process. I believe learners in this generation are growing up with technology and becoming more familiar with ICT. Their learning styles and thinking differ. They are adapting to these technologies. So I think learners prefer the learning process that is characterized with various interesting tools such as VLEs.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Foreign Exchange Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Culture Essays
Foreign Exchange One of the greatest experiences that a college student can have is that of studying abroad. It is one of the most enlightening experiences one can ever become involved in. It is a wonderful way to learn about another culture. Unfortunately, many of the foreign exchange students at State University have a difficult time interacting with the American students on campus. This lack of interaction is causing all students at State to miss out on a very important experience. Although there is currently a program for learning about foreigners and there foods, it is not an on-going program. State University should set up new programs to ensure that the foreign exchange students are able to socialize with the non-foreign exchange students. The non-communication between the Americans and the foreign students that is currently going on at Iowa State University is a problem in many ways. When the foreign exchange students do not have much interaction with the American students, they miss experiencing the things they came here experience. "I only have seven months here, and two are already gone. And, well, I don’t know any Americans," said a foreign exchange student. Wasting time while here is a major concern for many of these foreign exchange students. They only have a small amount of time to soak in an entirely different culture. Foreign exchange students want to experience what it is like to be part of our culture. For the foreign exchange students to learn what it is like to be a part of our culture, they must first be accepted into the culture. If this new culture does not accept them, they can not learn what it is like to be a part of the new culture. Without being able to become a part of our society, they ar e un... Iowa State, but it is one of the best also. It is State University’s responsibility to make sure that its students grow not only academically but culturally as well. Iowa State should make sure that its students broaden their own horizons and learn to open their minds to new and different things. By setting up some of the afore-mentioned programs, Iowa State would do its part in helping us learn culturally. The study abroad program is a wonderful program, but it could be made much more beneficial. It could better benefit both the Americans and the foreign exchange students if the roads of communication were more open. Works Cited: 1. Study Abroad Center. Iowa State University. <http.//> 2. Harcourt Brace and Company. "The Nature of Culture." United States of America, 1999. Cultural Anthropology.
Ethnic Diversity Essay
Answer each question in 50 to 150 words. Provide citations for all the sources you use. 1. What is diversity? Why is diversity valued? Diversity is the combination of different races of people, religions, and culture. Diversity is important to constantly grow and learn new ideas that will help our society become a better environment to live in. Diversity is value because it allows us to learn different things that may help up us in life, that our own culture does teach, or provide. 2. What is ethnocentrism? In what ways can ethnocentrism be detrimental to a society? Ethnocentrism is a term that is used to describe the tendency that someone will believe his or her own customs and traditions are better than anyone else’s. It is determined that no culture is perfect, and closing society from the great custom of other cultures does not allow one a chance to solve all problems, and learn what others know that we are custom to disbelieve in. 3. Define emigration and immigration. Emigration is a person leaving a country, and Immigration is a person entering a country. E in Emigration can mean exit, and I in immigration can mean in. Many get these to word mixed up, mainly in ones English or History class as a student. For example the United States are prompt with immigrants with an I, and Mexico are accounted for emigrants with an E. 4. What are some of the ways groups of people are identified? Some ways groups of people are identified are by race or creed, gender, religion, raised by one or both parents, or raised outside of their original family. In addition, American cultural group people by age, until you reach 18, one is considered an adolescent, and when one reaches 21, they are considered an adult. 5. Why do people label and group other people? People label and group other people as a barrier to not be taken by surprise. If a certain Copyright  © 2012 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Diversity Worksheet ETH/125 Version 8 2 person done something wrong, and we see more people like that person doing the same, we now label that entire race of people to be the same. The labeling part works as a defense mechanism to not allow someone that we think is bad or good, take advantage of us or we lock out someone we think can be a good friend. 6. Define culture. Is culture limited to racial and ethnic backgrounds? Explain. Culture is the customs of a group of people, by race, religion, beliefs, and tradition. Culture is not limited to racial and ethnic backgrounds. Because there are many different races that have the same religious culture and traditions. For example Indians, Blacks, Iranians, and I am sure there are others that believe in the Islamic religion, and have the same beliefs and follow the same religion traditions. Copyright  © 2012 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Monday, September 16, 2019
100 Years of Indian Cinema Essay
Tracing the history, birth and evolution of Indian cinema is always an exhilarating experience. According to historians, Harischandra Sakharam Bhatvadekar (Save Dada, 1868- 1958) and Hiralal Sen were among the pioneers who produced moving images in India for the first time. Bhatvadekar was part of the audience which attended Lumiere’s actuals screened for the first time in India, at Watson Hotel in Bombay by Lumiere’s agent, Marius Sestier, in 1896. Bhatvadekar was so impressed by the images he saw that he decided to make them in India. He had some experience of capturing images as he owned a still photography studio. He had to mobilize all his resources to import a camera and shoot a wrestling match and then send it to England for processing. He finally screened it in 1901. This is how moving images – what we now call cinema – arrived in India. D. G. Phalke Cinema developed fast, and its popularity grew immensely when image-makers started telling stories through moving images. Even during the silent era (up to 1931) cinema made an immeasurable impact through its ability to reach the people in a big way. Dhundiraj Govind Phalke, (D. G. Phalke, 1870- 1944), was totally captivated by the effect of cinema when he saw the silent film, The Life of Christ, in 1910. Phalke, who had a short stint as a photographer and then as a printing press owner, decided to take up filmmaking as his career. He travelled to London to procure filmmaking equipment and learn its process. After his return, he made India’s first feature film, Raja Hrischandra, and released it in 1913. He went on to make a series of other films, fulfilling his ambition of showing Indian gods on the silver screen. Thus, Phalke became the father of Indian cinema. It is now 100 years and time to celebrate. Aesthetics of India Cinema Cinema by its very nature is deceptive. This was evident even during the early stages of its emergence (1900-1903), when French illusionist Georges Melies used the camera to produce trick visual effects. Later when German Expressionist cinema asserted itself during the silent era, films mainly dealt with horror, mental illness, basic emotions etc. They were presented on the screen in an artistic style and studio sets were created with peculiar geometric designs, lighting and shadows that looked totally different from the straightforward narration used thus far. Many films such as The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920), The Golem (1920), Last Laugh (1924), Metropolis (1927) were direct products of expressionism. It is interesting to note that while Hollywood filmmakers, particularly stalwarts such as Alfred Hitchcock and others who specialized in crime drama, were totally influenced by this style of filmmaking, Indian films made during the silent era or even after it, never came under the influence of expressionist cinema. This is probably because Indian cinema, during its early years (covering both the silent era and the first talkies) stuck mainly to the mythological and the historical. These films were total replicas of the popular stage productions of that time. As a result of this, Indian cinema maintained its own identity. The first Indian talkie, Alam Ara (1931), we are told, was a big success. It had so many songs that people who had seen it say it was composed more of songs than of dialogue. What made Indian cinema distinctly different from other cinemas was this practice of using songs in films, a tradition which has persisted till date and probably will continue forever. In the early decades – during 1940s, 50s and 60s, known as the golden days of Hindi songs – pioneering music composers posted some outstanding achievements and made a rich contribution to the Seventh Art through songs that remain immortal. In the 40s, the famous New Theatres Company from Calcutta promoted legendary composers such as R. C. Boral, Pankaj Mullick, Timir Baran, and many others, while celebrities such as Kundanlal Saigal, Pankaj Mullick, Kurshid, Parul Ghosh, Umadevi, Kannan Devi, Juthika Roy enriched film music with their melodious voices. Bombay Talkies, the film company of Bombay, also took the cue from Calcutta, with Saraswathi Devi and Anil Biswas creating some outstanding tunes for films songs. It was in 1950s that Hindi cinema saw its finest period when the popularity of Hindi film songs reached its peak. The immortal voices of Lata Mangeshkar, Noor Jehan, Suraiya, Amir Bai Karnataki, Geeta Dutt, Asha Bhosle, Mukesh, Mohammed Rafi, Talat Mohammed, Manna Dey, Hemant Kumar and Kishore Kumar captivated the hearts of music lovers. Equally eminent were the lyricists – Kavi Pradip, Prem Dhawan, D. N. Madhok, Kidar Sharma, Shailendra, Hasarat Jaipuri, Majrooh Sultanpuri, Sahir Ludhianvi, Shakil Badayuni, Kamar Jalalabadi, Bharat Vyas, Gulzar and many others. A galaxy of music composers – Khemchand Prakash, Husnlal Bhagatram, Naushad, C. Ramchandra, S. D. Burman, Hemant Kumar, Roshan and Madan Mohan created some memorable tunes for these songs. All of this perhaps explains why Indian cinema has successfully resisted Hollywood’s domination, unlike in other parts of the world, including Europe, where Hollywood controls 70 to 80 % of occupancy in the theatres. Our Hindi cinema, or Bollywood, which laid its foundations in the 50s, adopted its own formula, different from the one Hollywood had established in early 1930s. Hollywood hired talented filmmakers to make films with a story embodying dramatic elements, hero, heroine, love and romance, a bit of religion, fight sequences, etc and a treatment with a universal appeal in order to attract a global audience. This strategy has been successful in large measure. Indian Bollywood, on the other hand, adopted a formula which included a hero with multi-dimensional talent who could accomplish absolutely anything, a heroine with a noble character, who was also a devoted life partner, and ready to undergo any suffering in life for the cause of her family’s welfare, their romance enhanced by songs, a villain or a vamp who torment the couple, sentimental melodrama, a fight, the end of the villain – and ultimately all ends well. Sometimes the film may be a tragedy too in which the hero or heroine becomes a martyr. This perceived formula percolated down to the regional cinema industry as well, successfully attracting mass audiences to cinema. Hollywood cinema, on the other hand, failed to bring in a large public, except in a few urban pockets. It was hindered as much by the language barrier as by the fierce competition from local films which provided better entertainment. Economically speaking, it is gratifying to know that we have our own very large, independent and rapidly growing film industry. There is, of course, degeneration in quality, but that is a matter for another discussion. D. G. Phalke probably never imagined that the Indian feature film industry, whose foundation he had laid, would become the largest film industry in the world, churning out, against innumerable odds, more than a thousand films annually. Hollywood is now thinking of capturing the Indian market by dubbing its films in the regional languages and pushing them through T. V. channels and local theatres. Arrival of the New Cinema India had its first International Film Festival in Bombay in 1952, and the Neo-realism films screened there made a big impact on our filmmakers. This marked the beginning of the New Cinema movement, engendered by the release of Do Bigha Zameen (1953) and Pather Panchali (1955). The well established formula of Bollywood films with music and dance was dispensed with here and low-budget films, particularly in the regional languages, started making their presence felt in a big way, both nationally and internationally. However, while many of the new cinema productions do win awards and laurels, they are yet to establish their economic viability by reaching people through regular commercial releases. The Advent of Technology Basically, cinema is a gift of science to art, an art which is composite in nature. Its growth, in terms of both technology and art, has been phenomenal, and its development particularly in its technology and format has been incredibly fast, making it exceedingly difficult for its practitioners to keep up the pace. It all began with the loading of celluloid films onto a camera and shooting the action as per the screenplay. In its technology, cinema, absorbed many innovations. Sound and dialogue entered in a big way in the early 30s, then it got its images painted in pleasing colours, and innovations in camera made it possible to work wonders in the field of special effects. However, despite these innovations, cinema remained basically in the celluloid format with 24 frames per second, with action being captured on film reel and stored in cans. Today, this concept is undergoing a sea change. The new digital technology has arrived, with a potential so immense that it has totally revolutionized both the production and the projection systems. To put it simply, digital cinema involves storing a film in a disc, like the hard disc of a computer, similar to DVDs, and projecting it on the screen by a digital projector. Astonishingly enough, it enjoys the great advantage of satellite projection from one centre to other centres. The quality of the image depends on the resolution, now commonly known as 2K file, which, in turn, depends on the kind of camera used. Research and development are continuous and relentless, with many innovations entering the market every day. Digital Cinema – Production Digital cinema production just needs a Digital video camera, recording tapes to record the images and computer and software to edit them. The biggest advantage of digital video is the cost-benefit. Shooting on the conventional film reel is cumbersome and hundreds of times more expensive. Equally important is the easier digital editing process. Digital editing is abundantly used by filmmakers now even for films shot on reel. They convert the film footage into digital format for post production and then back to film. This conversion process is costly, though, and the quality of the image suffers. However, digital cinema need not go through this process. It can opt directly for editing. In fact, the moment a digital film is shot, the result can be seen immediately as no processing required. It can go for post production right away, bypassing laboratory processing. If results are unsatisfactory, repeat shots can be taken on the spot at no extra cost. Digital Cinema – Distribution Film distribution through the digital system has many advantages. In the celluloid process, the cost of making a 35 mm print in the conventional way is around Rs. One lakh, while a film’s simultaneous distribution in 1000 centers for instance, with 1000 prints, will cost approximately Rs. 10 crores. In the digital system, a hard drive disc of a film will cost around Rs10, 000/- which is almost one tenth of a 35 mm print. Encrypted discs can also help avoid piracy. Yet another advantage is that the disc can be programmed for projection and, by providing codes for the servers, its unauthorized and illegal use can be avoided. Moreover, the cumbersome, bulky and costly process of shipping of film reels to and fro to the screening venues is easily overcome. Digital discs can be easily shipped through the courier system. Digital movies are simple computer files. They can be transmitted through broadband cables and played in hundreds of theatres simultaneously. It should also be noted, though, that copying these files is far simpler than copying reel films. Hence care should be taken to protect them properly from piracy. If a film is successful at the box-office and needs more shows, it can be quickly connected to other theatres with the digital signal. Digital Cinema –Projection Ultimately, what matters for the audience is the quality of the image and sound experienced when the visuals are projected onto the screen in cinema houses. According to experts, images – particularly those of landscapes – are of far better quality on film than on digital video. We do experience this while watching films in theatres. We notice a marked difference in the colour quality of the images. However, it is the considered opinion of users that while a film reel gets degraded after repeated screenings, the quality of the digital files remains unaffected. Taking Cinema to Rural Places In many villages in India, there are no regular theatres for film projection even today. People are deprived of watching films unless they go to the district or taluk headquarters. The lack of economic viability is the main reason. But recent developments show that the problem can be solved by using the satellite projection system and digital projectors. Small theaters with a seating capacity of around 100 to 300 can be constructed at a nominal cost and run by satellite projection; and the use of LED projectors can also help overcome the problem of outages. LED projectors need minimum power, and this can be managed with a maximum of 1 KW diesel power with UPS back up. An investment of around Rs 20 lakhs can earn handsome monthly returns. We can simultaneously run the show in several villages and small towns on the same day as the release of a film in major cities. It is a viable proposition for the film industry’s exhibition sector to take cinema to the country’s rural interiors. Growing apprehension There is a growing apprehension in the minds of many intellectuals that these fast paced developments may make a big difference to the quality of cinema, or what we call The Tenth Muse. A growing number of people will be able to capture visual images more easily; images may be created through software graphics on the computer without any actual shooting; even music is created and reproduced through software nowadays. However, while such a process has the advantage of easy access to cinema, it may not be able to portray the real human element that we experience even today when we see the great classics. This will be a big blow to cinema’s prestige. There may a huge spurt in the number of films produced, but at what cost? That is the question. And who knows whether the world will even call this process ‘film’, since ‘film’ in its present ‘reel’ form will not be there at all. It will be in the form of a disc or files. For all that, storytelling through the audio-visual medium is always enjoyable and loveable. Let us enjoy and celebrate its centenary.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Differentiation: the Key to Leadership
If you manage to lead the way, you win the game. In the ever-changing context of the business world, firms need to struggle hard to win the games going on in the market and one of the ways in which a firm can not only lead the way but also win the game is through differentiation to earn market leadership (Neray). This essay gives an account of how a firm can build up its leadership in the marketplace using the ever-reliable strategy of differentiation. Every firm which operates in competitive markets needs to fish for its market shares form its competitors; the competitors, in turn, also have their rods in the same pool.Thus in order to be impressive and catchy, a firm needs to become unique in one way or the other. The answer to this query comes form the strategy of differentiation as it provides a firm with the uniqueness that is valuable to buyers beyond simply offering a low price. Though differentiation has its own costs, it supplies the firm an edge over its competitors. In oth er words the firm is able to build up a strong competitive advantage over the rivals. Consequently, the customers are willing to pay a price premium which not only covers the costs but also earns a firm profit (Grant, 271).Besides attracting customers, differentiation also fosters a leading image of the firm among customers in the market as well (Daye). The most powerful legacy of differentiation is leadership (Daye). Thus Neray writes, â€Å"Differentiation-based leadership places the onus of grasping, defining and communicating that differentiation on the shoulders of the leader, and extends the concept to encompass every area of business  including the leader him or herself†. Thus, â€Å"leadership comes in many flavors, any of which can be an effective way to differentiate yourself†(Daye).We, hence, come to the conclusion that differentiation strategies are not meant only to pursue uniqueness for the sake of being different but for leading the way (Grant, 272). How, then, does differentiation work? As a matter of fact, the characteristics of the product allow a firm a range of differentiation opportunities. To be successful, however, firms need to consider both the capabilities of the firm to create differentiation (the supply side) and its customers (the demand side).The differentiation through the supply side as well the demand side leads not only to the creation of a cost-effective value for the customers but, resultantly, differentiation advantage and market leadership too for the firm (271). Moreover, the consideration of the demand side and the supply side helps an organization in understanding its customers in relation to its product’s potentials and capabilities. However, establishing and maintaining differentiation advantage requires creativity (272).The most important rule of differentiation is the understanding of the product in terms of the complexity of satisfying physical or tangible needs of customers (273). Mor e complex products offer better opportunities for differentiation. Nonetheless, product satisfaction is primarily only a mental perception and is limited only by the boundaries of the human imagination. Thus differentiation relates to every aspect of customer’s life as well as is related to all activities within the organization, its identity and culture.Differentiation, nevertheless, results in both tangible as well intangible impacts on customers as well as firms. Resultantly, when a customer values a product, she in fact values the firm. Thus differentiation is such an equilibrium which equates firm’s potential and reputation- supply- to customer’s complex choices- demand (274). The Demand Side of Differentiation Leadership encompasses value propositions, brand promises, strategic competitive advantages and all other diverse marketing terms, which the customer values, grounded in the same fundamental principal of differentiation (Neray).Therefore, understandi ng customer demand enables us to determine which product characteristics create value for customers (Grant, 276). Virtually all products and services serve multiple customer needs and thus have multiple attributes (277). For that reason, customer’s demand may be viewed as the demand for the underlying attributes that a product provides. The selection of optimal attribute, in turn, is what makes it possible to earn a price premium for each attribute (279). In addition to his, the optimal provision of attributes to the customers creates the advantage and the leadership prospects among other rivals in the market (280).Customers have varied motivational factor guiding them in valuing certain attributes of a product or service. Besides looking for merely the survival aspects of satisfaction to be driven from the purchase, customers are also looking for establishing their own identity with in their communities, and making sense of what is happening around them. Therefore, the impli cations of differentiation are far reaching and require the understanding of different aspects of customer’s demand; for example, the lifestyles, aspirations, sex, age, income and other demographic, socioeconomic, psychographic characteristics.The understanding by firm of all these variables and the resulting response to them form the basis for driving customer’s behavior (280) and building up of a leadership position among all the stakeholders including customers, employees, strategic partners, investors and especially the competitors (Neray). Though, the choice of market scope has vital implications; in a broad-based market differentiation, understanding common needs o f the customers ascertains a firm’s rule over the market if the supply conditions are capable of capitalizing over such understanding (Grant, 282). The Supply Side of DifferentiationThey say that the most often-used strategy by leaders is proclaiming how well they sell (Daye). Creating market le adership through differentiation rests on a firm’s ability to offer differentiation or to supply the differentiation. In this regard, the activities a firm performs and the resources it has access to are of extreme importance. As mentioned earlier, differentiation is concerned with the creation of uniqueness, a firm’s ability to create uniqueness that its customers would value lies in everything that it does including product features, product performance, complementary services (e.g. , credit, delivery, repair) , intensity of marketing activities, technology embodied in design and manufacture and the quality of purchased inputs (Grant, 283).A firm’s activities can distinguish it from its rivals, let it achieve the highest level of productivity and efficiency and create the value what sets it apart (Neray). Thus, instead of looking for core strengths and passions, firms need to apply such a leadership scenario where companies have products that are big performer s and, in turn, are able to separate them from other lesser-performing competitors (Daye).Thus, the establishment of a coherent and effective differentiation position in the marketplace requires that the firm assemble a complementary package of differentiation activities (Grant, 285) which are capable of maintaining organizational integrity and are ultimately responsible for crafting the values and the images with which its products as well as its reputation is associated (286). One of the most important capabilities, in this regard, is the technological breakthroughs that can help firms to form of leadership as a differentiator (Daye).Once the differentiation has been created, the development of leadership then rests on how effective it is communicated to customers (Grant, 287; Neray). Brand names created through differentiation and the advertising that supports it act as important signals of quality and consistency which are valuable assets (Grant, 288). Thus, being articulate in the marketplace itself is a character forming uniqueness laying the foundation of the leadership style. Moreover, discovering, acknowledging and valuing what sets a firm apart from it rivals lie at the heart of differentiation-based leadership (Neray).The Molding of the Value Chain Once the leadership through differentiation is built up, judicious leaders will solidify their positions throughout their value chain (Daye). The value chain of market leaders is woven within the match of the firm’s capacity for creating differentiation to the attributes that customers value most. The use of the value chain to identify opportunities for differentiation-based leadership involves some principal stages. At first, it is useful to consider a firm further downstream in the value chain and not only the immediate customer.Sometimes, however, it is better to create separate value chains for distinguished customers. Secondly, identification of the drivers of uniqueness in each activity a fir m performs contributes to differentiation and the uniqueness can be effectively achieved. Thirdly, selection of the most important and promising activities and variables form the basis for the firm’s differentiation strategy. Finally the firm’s ability to locate the linkages between the firm’s capabilities and the customers needs results in the completion of forming the value chain conducive to developing the differentiation-based leadership (Grant, 290).These four stages together form the process of self-discovery and identity that firms harness as the center of their authenticity and become powerful leaders (Neray). Differentiation is a trusted strategy businesses pursue to develop sustainable competitive advantage over their rivals. If followed trough strengthened coordination of organizational capabilities throughout the value chain and the value perception of the customers in ways better than all other rivals, the strategy of differentiation strategy may re sult in a form of such an elite differentiation advantage we can call differentiated-based leadership.
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